15 June 2010PC Analysis PC Schedule Tuesdays fortnightly Provisional dates 1 June 15 June 28 June (JC away) CM27 7 – 10 RAL Let me & Yagmur know of any items you wish to present
15 June 2010PC Agenda Schedule &c - JC Analysis needs for data taking - C. Rogers (currently MOM) Report from IPAC - ??? TOF Calibration - Yordan K. Cerenkov Calibration - ??? EMR & KL calibration - ??? Beam Characterisation - Mark R MICE tuning - T. Carlisle FC magnetic measurements - C. Tunnell AOB-1 AOB-2 ========================================== Other items / ongoing: Wedge absorbers - P. Snopok / C. Rogers Apologies from CR, GH, DF
15 June 2010PC Volunteers for ‘real time’ analysis Extract from C. Rogers’ of 6 June We need to do a preliminary analysis of the data during the running to feedback to the run programme. Given the amount of running, we need volunteers for the data analysis. I foresee several different activities: (i) Extraction of accelerator physics parameters from detector data (ii) Monte Carlo studies for accelerator physics parameters (iii) Studies of errors on accelerator physics parameters (iv) Online analysis effort So the idea is to extract Twiss parameters, emittances, etc from the detector data and compare with some monte carlo simulation, in an effort to verify our monte carlo. As we go, it would be great to get a better idea of the systematic and statistical biases of the measurement. This is a low resolution prototype of the sort of analysis we will be doing with full MICE when it arrives, so very good practice. The idea behind the online analysis effort is to improve the analysis codes with the aim that eventually they will be usable on data "on-the-fly" as it comes into the control room, for direct feedback, i.e. "oh the beta function was a bit too big in that run, let's push thefocus strength of the quad triplet up a bit". The carrot is that this work will probably lead to a journal paper on the beamline. I'm out of sticks right now. The first data will be coming in on Sunday. I would like to have preliminary analysis done by the end of next week. So we need volunteers now! Good opportunity to get involved & see & analyse some real data Six people have volunteered so far; Chris would welcome more (I assume that he and/or Marco will provide instruction)
15 June 2010PC CM27 Am assembling the agenda for CM27. It is still somewhat fluid! I have pencilled in the following Analysis topics. I assume that there will be more, though time may be limited Please let me know, asap (the week of 28 June would be too late)