1 High p T Hadron Correlation Rudolph C. Hwa University of Oregon Hard Probes 2006 Asilomar, CA, June 10, 2006 and No Correlation
2 A. Conventional scenario Hard scattering high p T jet hadron correlation (usual conductor has resistance) (superconductor has no resistance) High p T hadrons high p T jet correlation B. Unconventional scenario
3 B.No Jet Correlation 1. and production up to p T ~ 6 GeV/c 2.Forward production at any p T 3.Large p T at LHC A.Jet Correlation p T1 -p T2 1-21-2 1-21-2 near side away side auto-correl 1
4 same side STAR
5 Associated particle p T distribution p 1 -- trigger p 2 -- associated k q3q3 q1q1 q4q4 q2q2 In the recombination model
6 Associated particle distribution in the recombination model -- for only Hwa & Tan, PRC 72, (2005) STAR
7 in white paper Remember p/ ratio All in recombination/ coalescence model Medium modified dihadron fragmentation function -- more relevant at higher p T. Majumder, Wang, Wang nucl-th/ S S -- fragmentation T S Jet tomography CGC forward production All use fragmentation for hadronization -- but not reliable at intermediate p T If proton production cannot be described by fragmentation at intermediate p T, how much trust can be placed on pion production by fragmentation? TTT TT
8 A.Jet Correlation p T1 -p T2 1-21-2 1-21-2 near side away side auto-correl 1 2
9 Away side suppressionenhancement medium effect on away-side jet Jet quenching
10 suppressionenhancement Dijet fragmentation STAR, nucl-ex/
11 production in AuAu central collision at 200 GeV Hwa & CB Yang, PRC70, (2004) fragmentation recombination
12 STAR dijet p T (assoc) p T (trig)
13 Trigger-normalized fragmentation function Trigger-normalized momentum fraction is measurable without direct knowledge of the parton energy. X.-N. Wang, Phys. Lett. B 595, 165 (2004) J. Adams et al., nucl-ex/
14 STAR, nucl-ex/
p T (assoc) p T (trig) STAR dijet z T = z T = Bielcikova PANIC 05
16 STAR claims universal behavior in D(z T ) fragmentation violation of universal behavior due to medium effect ---- thermal-shower recombination Suggestion: look for p/ ratio in this region. Large if dominated by recombination.
17 A.Jet Correlation p T1 -p T2 1-21-2 1-21-2 near side away side auto-correl 1 23
18 Correlation on the near side and distributions STAR, PRL 95, (2005) peaks
19 Chiu & Hwa, PRC 72, (2005) hard parton shower parton, leads to the trigger particle energy loss converts to soft particles At higher trigger momentum, the hard parton originate closer to the surface, so less energy is lost. Hence no pedestal. hard parton trigger hadron At low trigger momentum, hard partons can originate farther in. Those soft particles form the pedestal. pedestal T=15 MeV
20 A.Jet Correlation p T1 -p T2 1-21-2 1-21-2 near side away side auto-correl 1 234
21 Casalderrey-Solana, Shuryak, Teaney Mach cone DreminCherenkov gluons Ruppert, Muller color wake Koch, Majumder, Wang Cherenkov radiation Vitevjet quenching+fragm. Chiu, Hwaparton multiple scattering Away-side distribution
22 Parton multiple-scattering model Sample trajectories for 2.5<p(trig)<4, 1<p(assoc)<2.5 exit tracks absorbed (thermalized) tracks high p T parton
23 Away-side distribution - PHENIX 2.5<p(trig)<4 parton p=4.5 energy loss thermalized Event averaged, background subtracted. Cannot distinguish between 1-jet and 2-jet contributions (e.g., Mach cone) A new measure proposed that suppresses statistical background event-by-event Chiu & Hwa, nucl-th/ Chiu’s talk in parallel session on Monday
24 A.Jet Correlation p T1 -p T2 1-21-2 1-21-2 near side away side auto-correl
25 Autocorrelation Trainor (STAR) Jamaica workshop (2004) Consider an example in time series analysis
26 Correlation function Treat 1,2 on equal footing --- no trigger The only non-trivial contribution to near, would come from jets Define Fix and, and integrate over all other variables in Autocorrelation No ambiguous subtraction procedure; only do as defined.
27 hard parton momentum k Radiated gluon momentum q two shower partons with angular difference (a much larger set) jet axis q2q2 q1q1 x y z 22 11 k thermal partons p2p2 p1p1 x y z 11 22 pion momenta (observable) --
28 STAR data on Autocorrelation for central Au+Au at 130 GeV for | | 1.3, 0.15<pT<2 GeV/c nucl-ex/ NO trigger, no subtraction Chiu & Hwa, PRC 73, (2006) TS recombination in a jet with pT>3 GeV/c dominated by soft partons
29 A.Jet Correlation p T1 -p T2 1-21-2 1-21-2 near side away side auto-correl B.No Jet Correlation 1. and production up to p T ~ 6 GeV/c 2.Forward production at any p T 3.Large p T at LHC
30 and production at intermediate p T For strange-quark shower is very suppressed. p T distribution of by recombination
31 s hard parton scattering fragmentation If they are produced by hard scattering followed by fragmentation, one expects jets of particles. There are other particles associated with and Hwa & CB Yang, nucl-th/ recombination ss sss
32 Select events with or in the 3<p T <6 region, and treat them as trigger particles. Predict: no associated particles giving rise to peaks in , near-side or away-side. We claim that no shower partons are involved in production, so no jets are involved.
33 (1/N trig ) dN/d( ) background Signal p+p Jet-like structures Au+Au top 5% trigger (pT>3 GeV/c) in Au+Au ? charged hadrons
34 A.Jet Correlation p T1 -p T2 1-21-2 1-21-2 near side away side auto-correl B.No Jet Correlation 1. and production up to p T ~ 6 GeV/c 2.Forward production at any p T 3.Large p T at LHC
35 Forward production of hadrons PHOBOS, nucl-ex/ Without knowing p T, it is not possible to determine x F Back et al, PRL 91, (2003)
36 Theoretically, can hadrons be produced at x F > 1? It seems to violate momentum conservation, p L > √s/2. In pB collision the partons that recombine must satisfy p B But in AB collision the partons can come from different nucleons BA (TFR) In the recombination model the produced p and can have smooth distributions across the x F = 1 boundary.
37 proton-to-pion ratio is very large. proton pion Hwa & Yang, PRC 73, (2006) : momentum degradation factor
38 BRAHMS, nucl-ex/
39 TT TS TTT x F = 0.9 x F = 0.8 TFR x F = 1.0
40 no shower partons involved no jets involved no jet structure no associated particles Hwa & Yang, nucl- th/ Thermal distribution fits well
41 A.Jet Correlation p T1 -p T2 1-21-2 1-21-2 near side away side auto-correl B.No Jet Correlation 1. and production up to p T ~ 6 GeV/c 2.Forward production at any p T 3.Large p T at LHC
42 and p production at high p T at LHC New feature at LHC: density of hard partons is high. High p T jets may be so dense that neighboring jet cones may overlap. If so, then the shower partons in two nearby jets may recombine. 2 hard partons 1 shower parton from each p
43 The particle detected has some associated partners. There should be no observable jet structure distinguishable from the background. GeV/c That is very different from a super-high p T jet. But they are part of the background of an ocean of hadrons from other jets. A jet at GeV/c would have lots of observable associated particles.
44 Proton-to-pion ratio at LHC -- probability of overlap of 2 jet cones single jet Hwa & Yang nucl- th/
45 We predict for 10<p T <20 Gev/c at LHC Large p/ ratio NO associated particles above the background
46 Summary B.No Jet Correlation 1. and production up to p T ~ 6 GeV/c 2.Forward production at any p T 3.Large p T at LHC A.Jet Correlation p T1 -p T2 1-21-2 1-21-2 near side away side auto-correl Jet fragmentation at high and Recombination at No trigger bias, need more data at high p T There’s jet quenching, but not necessarily fragmentation ? ? ? When recombination dominates over fragmentation, B/M ratio can be very large, and there would be no jets, no jet structure and no correlation above background.