Integration of Faith, Learning and Life
Truth is 1. Consensus
Truth is 1. Consensus 2. Dogma
Truth is 1. Consensus 2. Dogma 3. Perspective
Truth is 1. Consensus 2. Dogma 3. Perspective 4. What is true qualitatively
Truth is 1. Consensus 2. Dogma 3. Perspective 4. What is true qualitatively 5. Sum total of knowledge
Bible Jesus Knowledge
Bible Jesus Knowledge Mystery
Process of Integration
Limitation #1 – Finiteness
Process of Integration Limitation #1 – Finiteness Limitation #2 – Fragmentation
Process of Integration Limitation #1 – Finiteness Limitation #2 – Fragmentation Limitation #3 - Fallenness
Integration … 1. Seriously considers both special revelation and general revelation 1. Seriously considers both special revelation and general revelation
Integration … 2. Uses critical thinking to scrutinize all truth claims 2. Uses critical thinking to scrutinize all truth claims
Integration … 3. Articulates how the pieces of truth link together 3. Articulates how the pieces of truth link together
Integration … 4. Resists the temptation to tamper with the pieces 4. Resists the temptation to tamper with the pieces
Integration … 5. Respects and examines received truth claims, but continues to probe mysteries 5. Respects and examines received truth claims, but continues to probe mysteries
Integration … 6. Humbly refuses to go beyond the evidence 6. Humbly refuses to go beyond the evidence
Integration … 7. Values the whole above the parts 7. Values the whole above the parts