What is this thing for which your school is named?? Seriously, google it----
Mycenaeans Loose alliance of independent monarchies States begin fighting each other Homer’s (epic) poetry described this time, but he lived in….
Epic Poetry taught about COURAGE and HONOR (see p. 111) Homer The Illiad The Odyssey Iron replaces bronze in metalworking Weapons become more affordable Better farm tools increase food production Adoption of the Phoneician Alphabet Learning to read and write becomes simpler Greeks travel from the mainland to islands and other coastal Mediterranean areas
Greek City-States like Athens and Sparta were established Citizens with political rights = Citizens with NO political rights= Non-citizens=
Direct Democracy Philosophy Google a quote from any one of the following Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle The writing of history Theatre Sports (see p )
Macedonians and Greeks united to spread Greek Culture (see map, p. 135) Greeks and non-Greeks formed a new society in what was known as the ‘Hellenistic Era’ The United Empire fell apart after Alexander’s death This led to the rise of: Take a wild guess---- Hint: it wasn’t built in a day
Republic: a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. Empire: a group of nations or peoples ruled by an emperor or other powerful sovereign or government: usually a territory of greater extent than a Kingdom.
Romans conquered and controlled the entire Mediterranean world. WHY? The location of Rome made it ideal from which to expand The Romans were SKILLED in both military and politics Good strategies and roads for transport Extended citizenship to conquered peoples Allowed local control
All adult male citizens can vote Patricians (wealthy land owners) Plebians (all the other guys) Only Patricians can run for public office Senātus Populusque Rōmānus The Roman Republic gave way to the Roman Empire and a period known as PAX ROMANA~ 5 good Emperors~ and then some really bad ones.
Nerva (96-98 CE) Trajan ( CE) Hadrian ( CE) Antoninus Pius ( CE) Marcus Aurelius ( CE) Commodus ( CE) Nerva96 AD96 AD – 98 AD98 AD Trajan98 AD98 AD – 117 AD117 AD Hadria n 117 AD117 AD – 138 AD138 AD Antoni nus Pius 138 AD138 AD – 161 AD161 AD Lucius Verus 161 AD161 AD – 169 AD169 AD Marcu s Aureli us