Reporting from district data Chay Ritter, District Funding and Reporting Branch
Problems we are seeing: Financial –Kindergarten expenditures under reported by the districts; lack of use of Instructional Level (IL) 12 Review ORGs to use IL = 12 – Fund Transfers 091x must use function 52xx only 0914 with function 5100 for debt is incorrect
Problems we are seeing (cont.) School Level Reporting –District wide expenditures cannot be allocated accurately to the school by KDE. Allocate as much as possible to the schools. –Under report school expenditures when requested –Federal government is asking for more and more school level reporting
Problems we are seeing (cont.) Cost per Mile (for vocational payments and Medicaid) –Several districts omit supervision from function 2710 (If reported in 2720 it is excluded from the calculation) –Districts with no buses are reporting expenditures in Fund 1 which is to record to and from school expenditures
Problems we are seeing (cont.) Some districts don’t match when comparing: Prior year ending balance to Current Year Beginning balance –Review the Fiscal YE Processing, BGL-2 document for more information Appendix B, page 46 Column called Period 1 Move to Beginning Balance details what to include
Problems we are seeing continued Local Available Revenue calculation Funds 310 and 320 –Review the Fiscal YE Processing, BGL-2 document for more information –Page 32 – 33 gives the specific entries that need to be made in the odd and even years –Cash requirements need to be accurate in the unaudited AFR submission
Problems we are seeing continued PSD and CSD reporting –Kindergarten teacher reporting improved (some districts were not reporting) –Finance officers not using standardized codes (working on improving this process) Some districts are not reporting in files –Missing data causes under reporting of salaries and FTEs for salary projections (districts delete records before submitting to KDE)
Helpful Hints for auditors and their districts Record expenditures using the detail object codes and not “other” categories unless absolutely necessary not just because it is easier KISTA now has a principal object code 0838 and an interest object code of 0839 Update ORGs regularly to make sure that the segments match KDE’s.
Helpful Hints for auditors and their districts Use the COA descriptions that are provided by KDE on the COA website to aid in recording revenues and expenditures (currently being revised) Use the Fiscal YE Processing BGL-2 document. It details many of the important entries for year end close. Read Bi-monthly Finance Newsletters