Snake River 2,800 ft. elev. Rhyolite ? Glenns Ferry Formation (GFF) Unconformity Subsidence? (Conceptual Model) Geology based on Gary Nelson’s well on Bell Rapids 7s 13e sec. 29 and others. Rhyolite ? Sediment Geology based on ‘Smith’ well in 7s 13e sec. 27, (1,013 feet deep) Figure 20. Conceptual model of Hagerman Valley (not to scale). Geologic Transition Zone of the Eastern and Western Snake River Plain GFF Geology based on ‘Ramsey’ well in 7s 14e sec. 31 and others Rhyolite ? Geology based on USGS Henslee well in 7s 14e sec. 35, (602 feet deep) Vertically Divergent GW Flow Paths Artesian Tertiary Basalt Highly Permeable Tertiary Basalt Tertiary Basalt EAST (Wendell area) WEST (Bell Rapids area) Inferred geology Possible fault related to caldera subsidence? Quaternary Basalt
Gorge Picnic Area Well Basalt Basalt Aquifer Spring Discharge Area Into River. Malad Gorge Talus Aquifer Pillow/rubble zone Water table North South Glenns Ferry Formation
Talus = about 18 % of the linear distance of 1,098 feet between well and MG-7 Malad Gorge Tracer Test Charcoal packet concentrations of fluorescein dye (not water concentration) What was learned: Which spring has best hydraulic communication with the well. 87% of dye passed by MG 7&8. General azimuth of flow = (almost due northwest) Injection method of tubing worked. Injection level in well worked. All dye moved out of the well by 3.5 days. No problems with park water supply and green water. Water sampling frequency was too long. Charcoal packets are good contingency planning. Site is accessible by foot. Number of sites seems acceptable. IPCo. Div. charcoal packet detected dye even with dilution of river water. Optimal location to place ‘SCUFA’ in-situ fluorometer with datalogger. Amount of dye needed.
Level of dye injection Rick Raymondi
W-Canal Tracer Test 4.14 ppb (integrated) water Conc. = 0.05 ppb
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