Pixel Offline Study Jianchun Wang
2 Data Transfer Anonymous FTP to fnppd is allowed, but only to limited locations. Script cp2fnppd FTP files from pixel07 ( /data/testbeam/daq/data ) to fnppd. It is spawned by the DAQ process (thanks to Lorenzo). Script cp_at_fnppd copies file from the FTP directory on fnppd ( /exports/home/ftp/incoming/dropoff/btevfiles/pixel_tb04 ) to file storage location ( /data/btev_2/btev/pixel_tb04/data ). It runs every 10 minutes as cron job. If the file transfer failed due to fnppd down or other reason, the information is logged in FILE.log on pixel07 and one can run the script manually in the data directory: cp2fnppd filename. Files at FTP directory will be purged by root only.
3 Detector Configuration YXX 1 Beam XXYXX Plane Orientation iz X reference planes Y reference planes
4 First Peep of Runs at Different T Run Condition~20°C0°C0°C-10°C, N plane > 4 Num of event(110712) 10147(120009) 10095(~111000) 9568 Total hits / event Average number of planes Tracks saved °C 0°C -10°C
5 Alignment The detector configuration (alignment) is stable ( x, y < 20 m) for different temperatures. The location of reference planes at fixed to be 0. This is potentially a problem to track formation if the beam is inclined. The mechanical alignment works well this time. dx(cm) dy(cm) SPD_Y SPD_X SPD_X SPD_X SPD_X SPD_X SPD_Y SPD_X
6 Beam Dispersion Plot