Comp 145 – Introduction to UNIX
$200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 UNIX Processes Shell Customization Simple UNIX Filters Anybody’s Guess
UNIX Processes Shell Customization Simple UNIX Filters Anybody’s Guess $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $600 $800 $400 $1000
Category 1 $200 It is the parent process of all shell processes.
Category 1 $400 It is the UNIX command for obtaining a list of all processes including system processes.
Category 1 $600 It is a system process that lacks terminal control.
Category 1 $800 They are the 3 primary steps of the UNIX process cycle.
Category 1 $1000 It is what the kernel uses to communicate with processes.
Category 1 $200-Answer What is init?
Category 1 $400-Answer What is ps -e?
Category 1 $600-Answer What is a daemon?
Category 1 $800-Answer What are fork, exec and wait?
Category 1 $1000-Answer What are signals?
Category 2 $200 It is the UNIX file where which shell the user will use is stored.
Category 2 $400 What is the UNIX command for making a shell variable available to all subshells.
Category 2 $600 It is the UNIX environment variable for setting the primary prompt string.
Category 2 $800 It is the command that allows you to assign a shorthand name to a longer UNIX command.
Category 2 $1000 It is a script that is executed when a user logs in.
Category 2 $200-Answer What is /etc/passwd?
Category 2 $400-Answer What is export?
Category 2 $600-Answer What is PS1?
Category 2 $800-Answer What is alias?
Category 2 $1000-Answer What is.profile?
Category 3 $200 It is the UNIX filter for printing a file in 2 columns.
Category 3 $400 They are 3 UNIX filters for comparing the contents of files.
Category 3 $600 It is the UNIX filter for extracting fields 1 thru 3 of a colon- delimited file.
Category 3 $800 It is the UNIX filter for continuously displaying the end of a growing file.
Category 3 $1000 It is the UNIX filter for numerically sorting a file on its 5 th field.
Category 3 $200-Answer What is pr –k 2?
Category 3 $400-Answer What are cmp, comm, and diff?
Category 3 $600-Answer What is cut –d: -f1-3?
Category 3 $800-Answer What is tail -f?
Category 3 $1000-Answer What is sort –n –k 5?
Category 4 $200 It is the UNIX command for running a command in the background even after logging off.
Category 4 $400 It is the UNIX command used to prevent accidental overwriting when using > and >>.
Category 4 $600 It is the UNIX filter for replacing the % character with the # character throughout a file.
Category 4 $800 It is the UNIX command for scheduling programs to run periodically.
Category 4 $1000 It is a shell-specific feature allowing you to recall a previous command and re-edit/ re-execute it.
Category 4 $200-Answer What is nohup?
Category 4 $400-Answer What is set –o noclobber?
Category 4 $600-Answer What is tr ‘%’ ‘#’?
Category 4 $800-Answer What is cron?
Category 4 $1000-Answer What is command history?
Final Jeopardy UNIX Filters
Final Jeopardy You have 1 minute to consult… It is the UNIX filter for displaying a count of each unique line in a file.
Final Jeopardy You have 30 seconds to consult… It is the UNIX filter for displaying a count of each unique line in a file.
Final Jeopardy You have 15 seconds to consult… It is the UNIX filter for displaying a count of each unique line in a file.
Final Jeopardy Time Is Up It is the UNIX filter for displaying a count of each unique line in a file.
Final Jeopardy - Answer What is uniq -c?
Jeopardy Thank you for playing another fine round of Comp 145’s favorite question and answer game.