Features of.net Language independent Object oriented program Multi threading Exception handling Drag and drop Linq
Explain static void main(string[] args)
Naming Convention
Console Write () writeLine() Read() ReadLine() ReadKey()
Conversions Int32.Parse or (Convert.ToInt32) Single.Parse
Control structures 3 types Selection or Decision Loops or Iterate Branching or Jumping
Selection or Decision ifif-elsenested if switch-case
if-else condition falsetrue else block if block
nested if Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition-n statements false true 10
switch-case case 1 case 2 case 3 matched unmatched Statements 1 Statements 2 Statements 3 matched unmatched
Loops or Iterate for while do – while for each
Branching or Jumping break continuereturn goto 13
Array Definition Advantage Types Syntax Length property
String Definition Construct ways Length property Methods
Object Oriented Program System
What is abstraction? Implementation hiding 17
What is Encapsulation Data hiding Security Initialization of instance fields 18
What is Inheritance Syntax Advantage Relationship Disadvantage Keyword Access specifier Types 19
Polymorphism Types How to achieve Advantages of both 20
Constructor Definition Rule Use When it is executed Types Syntax
Destructor Definition Use When it is executed Syntax
Method Overloading Definition Advantage Ways- No. of arguments Type of arguments
static What it is Where it is used( V-M-C)
partial What it is Where it is used-class
Inheritance Definition Syntax Advantage Relationship Disadvantage Access specifier Types
Method hiding Keywords -new in child class
Method Overriding keywords -virtual -override Advantage Rule
base What it is When it is use
const What it is Advantage When it is happened
readonly What it is Advantage When it happened
Difference b/w const & readonly
Passing parameters b/w methods Value ref (keyword) out (keyword)
Difference b/w ref and out
abstract What it is Where When Keywords – abstract - override
sealed What it is Where it is use(C) Purpose
Interface Definition Advantage to achieve Syntax Keyword-interface
Properties Definition Keywords-set -get -value After 3.5 how
Difference b/w method & property
Array What it is Where it is namespace Purpose Methods
Random What it is Where it is namespace Use Method –r.next(1,100)
Generics Definition Advantage How many ways
Collections Definition Advantage Types –List /ArrayList
Exception handling What purpose without –with Definition Keywords Types
Multithreading Definition Ways program exec Advantage Namespace Class Lifecycle
Fileinfo What it is Namespace Advanatage
Driveinfo What it is Namespace Advanatage
StreamWriter What it is Namespace Advanatage
StreamReader What it is Namespace Advanatage