facebook Juliet my cousin Tybalt was just stabbed, this is going to be a sad day…. WallPhotosMessagesBoxesJulietLogout View photos of Juliet (20) Send Juliet a message Poke Juliet Wall InfoNotes Write something… Share Information Networks: Verona Birthday: Political: For Prince Escalus Religion: Hometown: Verona, Italy Friends Lady Capulet Tybalt Nurse Juliet my cousin Tybalt was just stabbed, this is going to be a sad day…. Tybalt ready to go fight! Nurse I think that Juliet just needs to learn… Juliet had a fun day today!<3 Juliet wants to leave today. Juliet ready for the Capulet Ball! “The important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”
Personal Information facebook Juliet my cousin Tybalt was just stabbed, this is going to be a sad day…. WallPhotosMessagesBoxesJulietLogout View photos of Juliet (20) Send Juliet a message Poke Juliet Wall InfoNotes Basic Information Information Networks: Verona Birthday: June 15th Political: For Prince Escalus Religion: Hometown: Verona, Italy Photos Networks: Verona, Italy Sex: Female Birthday: June 15th Hometown: Verona, Italy Relationship Status: Taken Political Views: For Prince Escalus Religious Views: Activities: Watching movies and hanging out with my friends Interests: Being with friends and shopping Favorite Music: Taylor Swift, Ke$ha, and Rihanna Favorite Movies: The Notebook and Sandra Bullock movies Favorite TV Shows: Bridezillas and What Not To Wear Favorite Books: Romantic Novels. I don’t really have a favorite one. Me Updated last Friday 2 Albums My Friends Updated five months ago Contact Information Address: Verona Phone Number: (808) “The important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”
facebook WallPhotosMessagesBoxesJulietLogout WallInfoNotes Text Message Conversation with Lady Capulet Lady Capulet: I think you should listen to your dad and marry Paris. Me: I don’t even like him, why would I marry someone that I don’t like? Lady Capulet: Just listen to him because you know if you don’t marry Paris then your father will disown you. Me: Then just let him disown me. I will think about it but I’m not going to promise you anything. Lady Capulet: Hopefully you do what he wants you to do and listen to him. Me: I told you I would think about it. Lady Capulet: Okay..…make the right decision. Blog on Ino everyone wants me to marry Paris and usually everyone listens to their parents when they tell them they have to marry somebody. But seriously, why would I marry someone that I don’t like and I definitely don’t love him. I guess I will just have to think about it and take everything into consideration. But they never think about what I want. At first they did think about it and it was kind of my choice so I don’t know why my dad changed his mind about it. What if I already loved someone? Juliet my cousin Tybalt was just stabbed, this is going to be a say day….
LogoutJulietBoxesMessagesPhotosWall facebook Inbox (1) Tybalt This is Bad Omg! Something horrible happened!!!... SentUpdatesMessages Nurse Romeo The plan is all set and he will be over… Tybalt Capulet Ball I can’t believe those Montagues crashed…
LogoutJulietBoxesMessagesPhotosWall facebook Inbox (1) SentUpdatesMessages This is Bad Omg! Something horrible happened! I’m sorry Juliet he's dead. I just went and talked to Friar Lawrence and he's dead! I can’t believe this happened. Tybalt is dead. Your man, Romeo, stabbed him in a fight. So now Romeo is getting banished tomorrow. He is going to come over tonight so he can see you before he has to leave. I am sooo sorry Juliet but this was his own fault. If he wouldn’t have stabbed Tybalt none of this would’ve happened.
LogoutJulietBoxesMessagesPhotosWall facebook Inbox (1) SentUpdatesMessages Romeo The plan is all set and he will be over here sometime soon. I talked to Romeo about it and he just doesn’t wan to get caught because your parents hate each other. He said he loves you too. Romeo Okay, that’s good that he can come over and I really don’t want to get caught either. That would be horrible!!! Well, I’m pretty sure I love him too.<3
LogoutJulietBoxesMessagesPhotosWall facebook Inbox (1) SentUpdatesMessages Capulet Ball I can’t believe those Montagues crashed the ball! They would do something like that because our families hate each other. I hope they get punished a lot. Or, maybe even being banished would be good hah. Well I hope you had a good time at the ball last night. Capulet Ball Oh no, this is horrible! I can’t believe Romeo would do that to my cousin! I’m going to need to talk to him about it tonight when he comes over. Everyone is going to be sad but I am more sad about Romeo leaving. I will just act like its because Tybalt is dead.