Clouds Hanover Public School District Second Grade Amy L. Gotwals Bryant Foreman
High clouds There are three levels of clouds: Middle clouds Low clouds
High Clouds Cirrus Cirrocumulus Above 18,000 feet
Altocumulus Altostratus 6,000 to 20,000 feet
Stratus Cumulus Stratocumulus Below 6,000 feet
Cumulonimbus (thunder clouds)
Common Types of Clouds Movie & SongGames
Cirrocumulus Cirrocumulus clouds: Are high in the sky Look like small, rounded white puffs May look like scales of a fish PictureBack
Cirrus Cirrus clouds: Are the highest in the sky Look white and feathery Made of ice crystals Mean fair weather PictureBack
Altocumulus Altocumulus clouds: Are in the middle of the sky Look gray and puffy Are in parallel bands or waves Occur on warm, humid summer day Made of water droplets PictureBack
Altostratus Altostratus clouds: Are in the middle of the sky Made of ice crystals and water droplets Cover the entire sky Form before storms and produce continuous precipitation PictureBack
Stratocumulus Stratocumulus clouds: Are low in the sky Look gray and lumpy Have breaks of clear sky May have light precipitation PictureBack
Stratus Stratus clouds: Are low in the sky Can be fog at ground level Look like a low gray blanket Can bring rain or snow PictureBack
Cumulus Cumulus clouds: Are low in the sky Are puffy Have flat bottoms Look like cotton floating in the sky Are fair weather clouds PictureBack
Cumulonimbus Cumulonimbus clouds: Are multi-level clouds Are tall towers May make thunderstorms PictureBack
Cumulonimbus Clouds
Cirrocumulus Clouds
Cirrus Clouds
Altocumulus Clouds
Altostratus Clouds
Stratocumulus Clouds
Stratus Clouds
Cumulus Clouds
Related Movies & More Cloud Movie Cloud Song
Fun Sites to Visit… dero/msm/weather/links.html