Monday – October 22, 2012 Mr. Lombardi Aim: How did individual leaders help create a unified Italian nation? Do Now: Answer the following… 1.Define (in your own words): a)Nationalism b)Unification 2.How could nationalism lead to the unification of an area?
Latin American Revolutions
Vocabulary (Do Not Copy - Already on your handout) Unification- to make or become a single unit. Nationalist- a person devoted to nationalism. Nationalism- pride or love for one’s nation. Papal States- area around Rome which was controlled by the Pope.
COPY! The Congress of Vienna left the Italian peninsula divided into many separate countries… - Austria ruled the north. - Hapsburg Monarchs ruled the center. - Bourbon Kings ruled in Naples and Sicily.
Summary How did individual leaders help create a unified Italian nation?
As we read through the slides… Use your graphic organizer to identify whether the statements made about MAZZINI, CAVOUR and GARIBALDI are either TRUE or FALSE. If it is FALSE, please correct the statement to make it true.
Giuseppe Garibaldi of Sardinia was working to unite the Italians. GaribaldiBismarck
Garibaldi was born in Nice, an Italian- speaking city conquered by Napoleon and later returned to Sardinia after the Congress of Vienna. In the 1830s he met Giuseppi Mazzini, who led an Italian nationalist group called Young Italy.
Garibaldi’s men became known as the Red Shirts, because they wore shirts from the slaughterhouses of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He participated in the 1848 revolutions against the French Empire.
Garibaldi now realized he would need the support of the Sardinian monarchy, teaming up with King Victor Emmanuel II and Prime Minister Camillo Cavour to fight the Austrians who controlled northern Italy.
With the Sardinian army, Garibaldi swept through the Italian peninsula all the way to south to Naples and Sicily. This unification was called the Risorgimiento - Resurgence
Mazzini -was an Italian Nationalist. (True/False) -was leader of a group called Elderly Italy (True/False) Cavour -was Prime Minister under Queen Victoria Emmanuel II. (True/False) -teamed up with Garibaldi to fight to Austrians who controlled Northern Italy. (True/False) Garibaldi -was from Sardinia. (True/False) -main goal was to separate Italians. (True/False) -men became known as Rainbow Shirts (True/False)
DIRECTIONS: Read the following account of the unification of Italy and using the map on the back, answer the questions that follow. Use complete sentences! Work with 1 partner to answer questions 1-10 BOTH of you should write down the answers on your sheets – What do you feel is more powerful- the brain (the mind), the soul (the spirit) or the sword (physical strength)? Why?
Pivotal Questions What are some advantages to unification? Why was Nationalism growing in Europe at this time? Why would nationalists like Cavour, Garibaldi and Mazzini want the Italian city-states to be ONE?
Critical Thinking Questions: 1.Why was Nationalism growing in Europe at this time? 2.Which played the most important role in the unification of Italy; the brain, the sword or the soul? Why? 3.How did individual leaders help create a unified Italian nation? 4.What were the causes and effects of the Latin American Independence movements? 5.In what ways were the Unification efforts similar to the American, French, and Latin American Revolutions? In what ways were they different?
Regents Prep