Social Structure and Society Social Structure and Society
Social Structure and Status Social Structure is the underlying pattern of relationships in a group. It is the way in which a society is organized into predictable relationships Social structure affects our social interactions Status is a position a person occupies within a social structure Ascribed Status is assigned to us Achieved Status is earned or chosen
A socially defined position within a group or in society. It is often associated with a title or position in a group nurse, doctor, lawyer, teacher, student, etc. A person may have may have multiple statuses student, sophomore, sister, daughter, sales clerk, snow boarder, etc. Social identity is a product of the particular statuses one occupies Status
Beyond a person’s control Not based on any ability, skill, or knowledge, etc. Usually inherited or something you are born with race, gender, age Ascribed Status
Achieved Status Acquired by exhibiting skill, knowledge, expertise, or association. It can be based upon accomplishments. It’s a position that is earned or chosen. Reflects personal skills, abilities, and effort occupation
Has the greatest influence in shaping a person’s life and social identity. Sociologists believe one’s master status overpowers other identifying traits. It can define us occupation can tell others of one’s educational attainment, skills, and even their income ethnicity, athlete, ex-convict, coach, teacher, mother, inventor Master Status
Role – expected behavior associated with a status Role Performance – actual behavior in a role Role Conflict – roles clash with each other you have to manage your best friend after a job promotion Role Strain – trouble meeting the roles connected with a status not being able to complete homework and pass tests as a student. Social Structure and Roles
Roles that are dependent upon the interaction of other statuses mother/daughter employer/employee pitcher/catcher Reciprocal Roles