ALICE 5 o’clock meeting Wk
INDICO You’ll find this meeting here: – The full shutdown planning is here: –
14/1/115 o’clock meeting3 Access request Cavern and surface You should submit an ADI and a task procedure Two persons minimum Work breakdown structure – risk associated at each step ADI Task procedure Template EDMS Attach task procedure
14/1/115 o’clock meeting4 ALICE Christmas break schedule OpenExperiment TRD EMCal CloseExperiment Open L3 doors Close L3 doors
14/1/115 o’clock meeting5 UX25 access Rules for access restrictions: Removal/installation of shielding (restriction includes RB24 triplets) PX24 blocks: no access CR5 and UX25 PX24 beams (35t): no access CR1-5, Expo, and UX-25 All other blocks: no access to UX-25 LHC evacuation test (7/12 after 18:00 and 24/12) – no access UX25 Gas functional test (10/ hrs) – no access UX25 and CR1-5 AUG test (20/1) (Arrêt Urgence General – General Emergency Stop) – no access UX25 DSO test (12-13/1) (Department Safety Officer) – no access UX25 No access SX2 during manipulation of blocks in SX2 (except ACR and WRs)
14/1/115 o’clock meeting6 L3 (and MNF) access EMCal No Ventilation Wks 50 and 5: access (TPC) to be coordinated with TC (transport) Wks 1-2: no access during EMCal SMs insertion inside L3 (see day-by-day) When moving from low-beta to yellow platform: no access to MNF When inserting the module: no access L3 and MNF Watcher needed in wk 49 and from wk 4 onwards Wk 7: Kr calibration – TPC T stability (all interventions to be agreed by TC/RC) 31 Evac. No Ventilation 243 No Ventilation 13 7 Lift
Day-by-day schedule UX25 and MNF - Wk 2
14/1/115 o’clock meeting8 Activities in UX25 - Week /1 Monday TPC cooling VIP visit (Mr Herman Josef Lamberti, Deutschen Bank) 16:50-17:25 Muon TRG: RPC (PM) Check gas tightness on few RPC detectors, repair 2 gas distribution channels. Replace 1 HV cable (need both nacelles) SDD/ SSD Laser SDD: calibration of 78 pressure sensors (10-12/1) SSD: replacement CAEN module (C-side) + repair bad temperature signal (C-side) TOF TRM TPC FEC Visits: 9:00 University of Frankfurt - 50 persons. Kai Schweda 14:00 Private school, St. Leon, Germany - 30 persons. Kai Schweda Install new Ekspla laser Philippe: install PHOS temporary cooling pipes Yannick: re-install TPC cooling pipes MNF (I-side)
14/1/115 o’clock meeting9 Activities in MNF - Week /1 Monday
14/1/115 o’clock meeting10 Activities in UX25 - Week 2 – 11/1 Tuesday SSD/SDD cooling Muon TRG: RPC SPD cooling Laser TOF TRM TPC FEC Muon TRK: bus-patches EN-EL: pull control cables L3-Dipole lights – from CR5 to cupboard A-I side Visit (15 people at 14:00). Werner Philippe + A.Vinogradov: 9:00 switch PHOS cooling on tap water Wash 4 bad sectors + repair heater (nacelle) 2 tables (DAQ) Use RED nacelle 15:00: stop Ar/H2, C2H2F4, Isobutane, CH4 and SF6 SSD: removal of cooling pipe from corrosion test setup Move new laser down to platform TRD cables Power cut: 9:05 – 9:45
14/1/115 o’clock meeting11 Activities in MNF - Week /1 Tuesday
14/1/115 o’clock meeting12 Activities in UX25 - Week /1 Wednesday Cooling towers maintenance (start 14:00 ) (No primary water) SNIFFER maintenance Install EMCal 80deg-C SM9 Lower SM10 onto low beta platform EMC Survey Muon TRG: RPC SPD cooling Laser Cleaning rack filters (Philippe) Maintenance UPS EBS106/2X and EBS128/2X (transparent) PH-DT: new gas monitoring. Restart Ar/H2 afterwards TPC FEC Euronews visit Muon TRK: bus-patches TPC cooling Visit (P-A.Giudici + 3 persons)
14/1/115 o’clock meeting13 Activities in MNF - Week /1 Wednesday
14/1/115 o’clock meeting14 Activities in UX25 - Week /1 Thursday Cooling towers maintenance (No primary water) HMPID cooling RAMSES: radiation source testsEN/CV: maintenance SG2 ventilation DSS modification. Will stop the full DSS, trigger all interlocks, including stopping power to all racks SNIFFER maintenance Install EMCal 80deg-A SM10 EMC Survey SPD cooling Visit: (15 p.) Danish high school class (C. Søgaard) TPC FEC Muon TRG: RPC Muon TRK: bus-patches Laser TRD LV ST2: replace chamber 3BR ST2
14/1/115 o’clock meeting15 Activities in MNF - Week /1 Thursday
14/1/115 o’clock meeting16 Activities in UX25 - Week /1 Friday Cooling towers maintenance (No primary water) SNIFFER maintenance EN/CV: maintenance SG2 ventilation RAMSES: radiation source tests VAC EMC Survey SPD cooling LACS: revision UX25 access doors Removal EMCal infrastructure TPC FEC Start pumping out Muon TRK: bus-patches Laser Visit (2 people). Resp. L.Pinsky TRD LV TOF: HV test SM13 + move SM15 TOF Muon TRG: RPC
14/1/115 o’clock meeting17 Activities in MNF - Week /1 Friday
14/1/115 o’clock meeting18 Activities in UX25 - Week /1 Saturday Cooling towers maintenance (No primary water) Laser
14/1/115 o’clock meeting19 Activities in MNF - Week /1 Saturday
14/1/115 o’clock meeting20 Activities in UX25 - Week /1 Sunday Cooling towers maintenance (No primary water) D.Budnikov at CERN PHOS: maintenance crystal cooling plant PHOS cooling
14/1/115 o’clock meeting21 Activities in MNF - Week /1 Sunday
14/1/115 o’clock meeting22 AOB -