Cyanotype A.K.A Blueprint
Anna Atkins
What you need Chemical “A”, Ferric Ammonium Citrate 22% Chemical “B” Potassium Ferricyanide 15% Suitable Paper, water color paper works well Dish to mix Chemistry Brush, or sponge to apply solution –Rubber gloves if working with sponge to prevent staining your hands.
How to do it… Mix equal parts of “A” and “B” Apply to your paper (or cloth…) Heat dry out of UV light. –Process is UV sensitive when dry Place your objects on the sensitized paper to make an interesting design Expose to Ultraviolet Light
Processing Wash print until the highlights have no green left in them. Place in a weak bath of Hydrogen Peroxide (2 tablespoons to a pint of water). Remove when there is no further change in the color, almost instantly. Wash for 5 minutes, and dry.