Teens from tin present SKY TIN Intermediate conception report
Our team Andrey Strugovets Anton Gochachko Victor Startsev Daniil Gurkov Tamara Staikova
Proposed missions We seriously consider possibility of our Cansat launch on other planet. Therefore we have chosen the most practically significant proposed missions: Video transmission of ambient space Atmospheric sounding Cansat position without GPS
Come back mission Our Cansat can land in any defined point in 1,5H* radius from the release point without using GPS (the distance depends on wind speed and of some other factors). * H – altitude of the release point
Cansat position detection There is not GPS-module in our Cansat Cansat orientation is carried out by means of radio signals of different frequencies At any flight time we precisely know where is a Cansat and its orientation Thus our Cansat can be used on any planet, where there is no GPS.
Used frequencies and emitting powers Ground station – Cansat 433,05 MHz (10 mW) Cansat – Ground station 868 MHz (25 mW) 2400 MHz (10 mW)
Budget Radio system - €50 Parachute - €50 Automatic system - €100 Control system, sensors – €100 Payload - €150 Case - €50 Total - €500