Photo from history Team: Zhaochun Ren Ran XUE Max Ukhanov Dmitry Ivashchenko
Topicality Tourist
Solution lookup Do not reinvent the wheel (use existing technologies and services) Make application easy to use Save users from routine information retrieval (maps, books)
Solution Building Tourist Photo Photo From History Historical info
Server : A CBIR system on GPS What is CBIR system: Content-based Information Retrieval System
Retrieval Process Analyze the image content: Color, Local Shape, Texture Find similar images in file system Crawling and IndexingMachine Learning
Our Server retrieval process Find similar images from file system Refine using GPS Give the context with the right image PHOTO GPS position
Client part Key features: Simple design Integration with social networks (Twitter, Facebook) Possible to work without GPS-module* * could use the GPRS-positioning
Techniques behind the scene 1. Crawl images from the web: Building photos with various angles History description in Wikipedia and other sources. Positions of them (“Heritrix” is used in this application) 2. Index all Photos in one file System: Using “Lucene” to do this indexing…
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