Autumn 2015
Children’s attainment drops significantly Disrupts school routines and learning of others Vulnerable to anti-social behaviour Affects children’s longer term life opportunities If your child fails to attend school regularly and punctually (and is recorded as unauthorised) you are guilty of a criminal offence under Section 444 of the Education Act
A Penalty Notice is a fine which may be issued as an alternative to prosecution. It does not require a court appearance and does not result in a criminal record. Payment of a Penalty Notice means you avoid the potential danger of prosecution and subsequent conviction
10 or more half day sessions, ie the equivalent to five school days of unauthorised absence including unauthorised lateness, in any 10 school week period One or more sessions of unauthorised absence during any school published dates for assessment or testing Where the parent/carer has failed to co- operate in making use of advice/support offered
You will receive the Penalty Notice by post to your home. Fines are issued to each parent for each child 21 day period to pay fine of £60 Increase to £120 if payment is late but before 28 days Legal proceedings initiated if not paid If two penalty notices have been served then prosecution will be considered
Your penalty notice will include clear instructions on how to pay If you do not pay the Local Authority is required by law, to start proceedings in the Magistrates’ Court If convicted Fine of £1000/£2500 3 months’ imprisonment
No. When you receive your penalty notice all investigations will have taken place
Please contact the school and arrange a meeting with me – The Headteacher