Session 01-03: Emerging Practice and Standards for Community Land Demarcation BORN NATIVE, BORN DIGITAL – USING INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY TO SUPPORT THE EFFECTIVE PARTICIPATION OF INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS IN LAND MANAGEMENT RAELENE WEBB QC President, National Native Title Tribunal Australia Prepared for presentation at the “2016 WORLD BANK CONFERENCE ON LAND AND POVERTY” The World Bank – Washington DC, March 14-18, 2016
Paradigm Shifts Two key developments in the 1990s: Mabo decision: Legal recognition of Indigenous rights World Wide Web Lead to: Empowerment of Indigenous people New pathways to forge relationships
Impact on Decision-making Source: Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation Then… Now…
IT and Accessing Information Source: The StringerSource: Project for Free Electronic Dictionaries Indigenous Australians are taking advantage of emerging technologies However, wider uptake is limited by a number of factors
Factors Impacting Indigenous Access to IT Source: Fixed Broadband Coverage Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics Indigenous Australians are 69% less likely to have access to an internet connection than non-Indigenous Australians. Indigenous Communities
Federal System and State Powers over Land Aboriginal Lands Trust Act 1966 (SA) Aboriginal Lands Act 1970 (Vic) Aboriginal Lands Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 (Clth) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (Queensland Reserves and Communities Self-Management ) 1978 (Clth) Local Government (Aboriginal Lands) Act 1978 (QLD) Pitjantjatjara Lands Act 1981 (SA) Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW) Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders (Land Holding) Act 1985 (QLD) Aboriginal Land Grant (Jervis Bay Territory) Act 1986 (Clth) Aboriginal Land (Lake Condah and Framlingham Forest) Act 1987 (Clth) Aboriginal Land (Northcote Land) Act 1989 (VIC) Aboriginal Lands Act 1991 (VIC) Aboriginal Land Act and Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991 (QLD) Aboriginal Land (Manatunga Land) Act 1992 (VIC) Aboriginal Lands Act 1995 (TAS) Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Act 2006 (Clth) NATIVE TITLE ACT 1993 (Clth)
Statute Based Land Rights and Native Title
Integration of Indigenous Interests into State and Territory Land Systems
Free, Prior and Informed Consent Prior consent must be sought before the project begins. Communities must be given enough time to understand and make an informed decision.
Indigenous Initiatives Interactive digital maps Preserving language knowledge via Apps GPS site location and recording Source: James Pilkington Source: University of Melbourne Films about history, culture and country Management of Indigenous lands through:
Gunditj Mirring Indigenous Ecological Knowledge Partnership Project Source: Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owner Aboriginal Corporation Lake Condah A supermarket and chemist shop for the Gunditjmarra people
Nyamba Buru Yawuru – Knowledge and Well-being project The Household Survey team Household survey Instrument to measure well-being Mapping of significant places Records documentation Collecting evidence to inform decision making:
Moment in Time