What is a noun?
What is a noun? A noun is a word we use to name people, places and things.
There are six kinds of noun in English
There are six kinds of noun in English Common nouns: dog,man,table.
There are six kinds of noun in English Common nouns:dog,man,table. Proper nouns: France,Madrid,Tom.
There are six kinds of noun in English Common nouns:dog,man,table. Proper nouns:France,Madrid,Tom. Abstract nouns: beauty,charity,courage, fear.
There are six kinds of noun in English Common nouns:dog,man,table. Proper nouns:France,Madrid,Tom. Abstract nouns:beauty,charity,courage,fear. Concrete nouns: school,car,computer.
There are six kinds of noun in English Common nouns:dog,man,table. Proper nouns:France,Madrid,Tom. Abstract nouns:beauty,charity,courage,fear. Concrete nouns:school,car,computer. Collective nouns: crowd,group,team,family.
There are six kinds of noun in English Common nouns:dog,man,table. Proper nouns:France,Madrid,Tom. Abstract nouns:beauty,charity,courage,fear. Concrete nouns:school,car,computer. Collective nouns:crowd,group,team,family. Compound nouns: boy-friend,travel agent, Picture frame,grasshopper.
Nouns can be countable or uncountable . Nouns can be countable or uncountable
Countable nouns are,for example: dog,umbrella,girl,job.
Countable nouns are,for example:dog,umbrella,girl,job. Countable nouns are things we can count.We can make them plural.two dogs,six umbrellas,some girls.
Countable nouns are,for example:dog,umbrella,girl,job. Countable nouns are things we can count.We can make them plural.two dogs,six umbrellas,some girls. Before singular countable nouns you can use a/an.
Countable nouns are,for example:dog,umbrella,girl,job. Countable nouns are things we can count.We can make them plural.two dogs,six umbrellas,some girls. Before singular countable nouns you can use a/an. Do you need an umbrella?
You cannot use singular countable nouns alone. Countable nouns are,for example:dog,umbrella,girl,job. Countable nouns are things we can count.We can make them plural.two dogs,six umbrellas,some girls. Before singular countable nouns you can use a/an. Do you need an umbrella? You cannot use singular countable nouns alone. (without a/an/the/my/this,etc.)
I am looking for a job. Look at the dog! Countable nouns are,for example:dog,umbrella,girl,job. Countable nouns are things we can count.We can make them plural.two dogs,six umbrellas,some girls. Before singular countable nouns you can use a/an. Do you need an umbrella? You cannot use singular countable nouns alone. (without a/an/the/my/this,etc.) I am looking for a job. Look at the dog!
UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Uncountable nouns are things we cannot count.They have no plural. You cannot say musics or bloods.
Uncountable nouns are,for example: gold,blood,music, excitement.
Many nouns can be used as countable or uncountable nouns Many nouns can be used as countable or uncountable nouns.Usually there is a difference.
I bought a paper.(a newspaper) I bought some paper. For example; I bought a paper.(a newspaper) I bought some paper. There is a hair in my soup! ( a single hair) She has beautiful hair.
SOME UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS gold,music,blood,paper,hair,advice, bread,cheese,milk,coffee,tea,behavier, chaos, courage, dirt, evidence, fun, furniture, harm, health, homework, information, luck,luggage, money, mud, news, nonsense, pay, permission,poetry, pollution, progress, research, sunshine, travel,weather,work,sand,ice,oil,dust, soap,stone,wood,wine,water,.
We use some nouns only in the plural:
For example: police,clothes pyjamas You can also use a pair of … with these words.
PLURAL NOUNS NOUN + -S: Friends are important. NOUN + -ES: I like my classes. A final -s or -es is added to a noun to make the noun plural.
PLURAL NOUNS Song songs The plural of most nouns is formed by adding final -s.
Box boxes Final -es is added to nouns that end in -sh, -ch, -s, -z, -x,-o
Box boxes Final -es is added to nouns that end in -sh, -ch, -s, -z, -x,-o brush
Box boxes Final -es is added to nouns that end in -sh, -ch, -s, -z, -x,-o brushes
Box boxes Final -es is added to nouns that end in -sh, -ch, -s, -z, -x,-o brushes church
Box boxes Final -es is added to nouns that end in -sh, -ch, -s, -z, -x,-o brushes churches
Box boxes Final -es is added to nouns that end in -sh, -ch, -s, -z, -x,-o brushes churches bus
Box boxes Final -es is added to nouns that end in -sh, -ch, -s, -z, -x,-o brushes churches buses
Box boxes Final -es is added to nouns that end in -sh, -ch, -s, -z, -x,-o brushes churches buses But words of foreign origin or abreviated words ending in o add –s only photos pianos kilos kimonos
Nouns endin in Y following a consonant form their plural by dropping Y and adding ies. baby babies lady ladies country countries
Nouns endin in Y following a vowel form their plural by adding s. boy boys day days donkey donkeys
Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves.
Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife
Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives
Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf
Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf wolves
wife wives wolf wolves knife Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf wolves knife
wife wives wolf wolves knife knives Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf wolves knife knives
wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf
wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves
wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf
wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf leaves Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf leaves
wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf leaves self Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf leaves self
wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf leaves Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf leaves self selves
wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf leaves Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf leaves self selves shelf
wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf leaves Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf leaves self selves shelf shelves
calf half thief life sheaf Some nouns(twelve) ending f or fe drop the f or fe and add ves. wife wives wolf wolves knife knives loaf loaves leaf leaves self selves shelf shelves calf half thief life sheaf
Scarf scarfs or scarves Other words add s in the ordinary way Handkerchief Handkerchiefs Cliff Cliffs Safe safes
Collective nouns can take a singular or plural verb: The jury is considering its verdict. The jury are considering their verdict.
IRREGULAR PLURALS Foot feet Mouse mice Woman women Man men Goose geese Tooth teeth
Voiceless sounds are made by pushing air through your mouth; no sound comes from your throat. Examples of voiceless sounds: "k," "p," “t“,”f”.
Voiced sounds come from your throat Voiced sounds come from your throat. If you touch your neck when you make a voiced sound, you can feel your voice box vibrate. Examples of voiced sounds: “l,“ "v," "n," "b," and all vowel sounds.