WP6: Coastal Transects Ratana Chuenpagdee, Coastal Development Centre, Thailand Kungwan Juntarashote, Coastal Development Centre, Thailand Robert Kay, International Governance Solutions, UK Graham Pierce, University of Aberdeen, UK Cristina Pita, University of Aberdeen, UK Start-up Workshop, Kiel Germany 4-7 October 2005
Coastal challenges Ecosystem aspect: complexity, diversity, dynamics and scale; Human dimensions: multiple, competing demands from diverse stakeholder groups; and Administrative/legislative issues: transboundary, overlapping jurisdiction and complex governance system.
Common solution: ICZM Overall goal: Improve the quality of life of resource-dependent coastal communities while maintaining biological diversity and productivity of coastal ecosystems. 3Es concepts: Environment - Maintain high level of biodiversity and protect critical habitats; Economic - Ensure sustainable uses and development of coastal areas; Equity - Incorporate social and cultural importance of coastal resources and promote fair treatment and social justice among coastal stakeholders.
Inspiration: An alternative approach ‘Coastal transect’ (Pauly & Lightfoot, 1992) - an approach for analysing and comparing coastal resource systems; The ‘transect’ concept cuts across diversity, complexity, dynamics and scale associated with coastal areas, allowing the comparative analysis of interactions and flows in different coastal environments; and Main objective – to understand the interconnectedness of physical and biological processes with human activities and impacts across a variety of geographic scales.
WP Overall goals To develop a framework for compilation and analysis of data for the understanding of interactions and flows in the coastal zone; To provide coastal managers with a decision-making framework and communication tool for integrated management plan for coastal areas.
WP objectives and deliverables To review concepts and tools for ICZM (month 13); To categorise (typology) coastal areas (month 17); To develop a decision-making framework for ICZM (month 25); To test the framework on selected, representative coastal ecosystems (month 34); At least five scientific publications (month 34).
Concepts and tools for ICZM ‘Coastal Project’ database (currently contains 289 records covering 26 countries): Type of project; Objectives; Duration; Methods/approaches; Issues addressed; Key accomplishments; Implementing agency; Funding sources; and Lessons learned. Coastal Zone Asia-Pacific (CZAP) Conference
Coastal transect analysis Categorizing coastal zones based on four key attributes: Uses/activities Environmental issues Stakeholders Institutional arrangement
Decision-making framework Spatial decision support system using tools such as Geographic Information System (GIS), multi-criteria analysis, expert knowledge, and damage schedule approach Non-monetary valuation method based on local knowledge and public judgments Build on existing models, such as SimCoast, RamCo and others.
Model development: Coastal areas of Thailand
Potential test systems Namibia/Angola (Benguela Current LME) Norway (Barents Sea) Scotland Others?
Synergy with other WPs Contribute data on ICZM concept and tools and coastal transect (WP1); Consider biodiversity and climate change scenarios (WP3); Incorporate MPAs and ecotourism as options in the decision-framework (WP 5&9); Potential development of ‘coastal’ sustainability indicators (WP7); Direct integration of ecosystem values (WP8). Thank you for your attention.