Related Information Fun Time Check Yourself 2 5 I. Related Information Related Information 1. Words related to smoking heavy smoker.


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高压绕组制造 《微电机制造工艺学》 由 NordriDesign 提供
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Presentation transcript:

Related Information Fun Time Check Yourself

2 5 I. Related Information Related Information 1. Words related to smoking heavy smoker

2 5 passive smoker secondhand smoker chain smoker Related Information

2 5 nonsmokers—strong, healthy, happy Related Information

2 5 smokeism smokeist 禁烟主义 禁烟主义者 Related Information Smokeism represents a body of opinion that smoking is not only bad for the smokers, but also harmful to nonsmokers, and that it should be prohibited in public places right now, and perhaps banned altogether one day. Those who are anti-smoking anywhere and anytime.

No Smoking Day Pictures Related Information

2 5

2 5

2 5

2 5

2 5 II. Check Yourself Put the paragraphs below into English, using the given words and expressions. Check Yourself

2 5 Sandy 在 15 岁时抽烟上了瘾。骆驼牌是她的最 爱。她做作业时手边总有一包过滤嘴香烟。她 不知道自己的祖父死于肺病。正是抽烟让他的 身体一天天变得虚弱。她的母亲对此非常忧虑, 常常为这个吸烟的女儿哭泣。她无可奈何地看 着女儿自我毒害,有种无能为力的感觉。 Task 1 Check Yourself

2 5 hook brand keep sth. at hand filter die of It is … that … For your reference Check Yourself Words and Expressions to Be Used weaken weep hopelessly self-poisoning uselessness

2 5 Sandy was hooked by cigarettes at 15. The brand of Camels is her favorite. When doing her homework, she always keeps a package of filtered cigarettes at hand. Sandy doesn’t know her grandfather died of lung disease. It was smoking that weakened his body day by day. Sandy’s mother worries much about it and frequently weeps for the smoking daughter. Hopelessly watching her daughter killing herself by self- poisoning, she gets a feeling of uselessness. Check Yourself (For Reference)

2 5 Task 2 上全日班的家长有溺爱孩子的倾向。父母常 常对孩子要求做出让步,以显示对孩子无限 的爱。媒体推断说,这对孩子们是有害的。 显然, 如果父母宠爱孩子,不仅削弱了父母管 教孩子的能力,也使父母和子女之间的关系 变味。结果,可爱的孩子可能会变得贪婪、 自私、小气,对他人的需要和感受麻木不仁。 Check Yourself

2 5 tendency submit to unlimited media infer Check Yourself Words and Expressions to Be Used For your reference noticeably loosen sour greedy insensitive

2 5 Full-time parents have the tendency to spoil their children. Parents often submit to their children’s request to show their unlimited love. The media infer that this is somewhat harmful to children. Noticeably, if parents spoil their children, they not only loosen their ability to set limits, but also sour the parent-child relationship. As a result, their beloved children will become greedy, selfish, ungenerous, and insensitive to the needs and feelings of others. Check Yourself (For Reference)

2 5 Enjoy the song Goodbye’s and review what your mother has done for you. III. Fun Time lyrics Fun Time

2 5 Goodbye’s

2 5 To Task The End of Horizon