Distance Learning Theories Section 3
Overview Distance Learning Theories Section 3 Overview Distance Learning Theories Transactional Distance Multimodality Social Informatics Digital Media Theory
Transactional Distance Theory Description Application Describes the teacher –learner relationships when separated by space and or time. Three variables: Instructional dialogue program structure learner autonomy. (Haythornthwaite, & Andrews, 2011) This theory applies mainly to how the student and the instructor interact in the online environment. This theory underscores the importance of program structure. Classes should be structured in a way that can bridge the physical separation between student and instructor. Instructional dialogue should be clear and concise. It is vital that facilitators forester learner autonomy in the online environment.
Multimodality Theory Description Application This theory address how people communicate and interact with each other. Three interconnected theoretical assumptions underpin multimodality. Assumes representation and communication always draw on a multiplicity of modes. Assumes that resources are socially shaped over time to become meaning making resources. Assumes that people orchestrate meaning through their selection and configuration of modes. (Bezemer, 2012) This theory effects the various modes of communication used on online learning. The key point for online learning is the assumption that the students see value in the selection of modes of communication that are familiar and that they are comfortable with. In todays online learning environment one must consider modes of communication such as social media, podcasts, and videos. These various modes of communication must be considered in course design.
Social Informatics Theory Description Application Social informatics addresses the ways in which new information and communication technologies change the patterns and potentialities of social interaction, and vice versa. This theory may form the basis for the development of future theory's about eLearning such as understanding group and organizational dynamics. (Haythornthwaite, & Andrews, 2011) This theory speaks to the social aspects of learning. In the online learning environment the establishment of a learning community and the utilization of various technologies to facilitate communication with in the community is vital. Facilitators must keep abreast of new theories that are being developed in this area.
Digital Media Theory Theory Description Application This particular body of theory tends to accentuate the visual, concentrating on still and moving images. As such, it focuses on only one mode of communication. In doing so it draws attention to the power of digital media in contemporary communication. Its relevance to understanding e-learning and to the building of e-learning theory is mainly in its exploration of the variety of media that are available for learning, from hand-held devices to desk-top computers and their screens, and from interactive television to portable radio and recording devices. (Haythornthwaite, & Andrews, 2011) The online learning environment is every changing as new digital media technology is developed. Facilitators must consider the various digital media that students use for online learning and alter course design accordingly. The development of interactive television is an exciting prospect that cannot be ignored.
References Haythornthwaite, C., & Andrews, R. (2011). E-learning theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Falloon, G. (2011). Making the Connection: Moore's Theory of Transactional Distance and Its Relevance to the Use of a Virtual Classroom in Postgraduate Online Teacher Education. JRTE, 43(3), 187-209. Retrieved from http://www.anitacrawley.net/Articles/Falloon2011.pdf Bezemer, J. (2012). What is Multimodality?. Retrieved from http://mode.ioe.ac.uk/2012/02/16/what-is-multimodality/ Sawyer, S., Tyworth, M., (n.d.). Social Informatics: Principles, Theory, and Practice . Retrieved from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=