Алматы облысы Балқаш ауданы «Бақанас мектеп-интернаты» мкм Қосымова Базаркүл Тұрғанбекқызы ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі
Theme : Buckingham Palace. Theme : Buckingham Palace.
Aim of the lesson : Aim of the lesson : 1. To check pupils knowledge, to teach oral comprehension of the language, to teach expressing the opinion, to give more information about names of places and directions, to enrich pupil`s knowledge about London, about the Buckingham Palace. 2.to develop pupils` reading, speaking, writing abilities through giving several tasks. 3. to teach them to respect each other and to be polite.
Type of the lesson : mixed Methods : individual, group work, questions- answer. Visual aids : the presentation on Buckingham Palace, diagram, pictures, activeboard.
I. Organization moment. II. Warm up. Әдептілік әліппесі. If you want to be a good person what should you do? (Әдепті болудың ережесін айту) Now look at the activeboard and complete the diagram. Way to be. be kind be kind
III.Check up the home task. «Places and directions», «Homes» Today we have unusual lesson. Our work will be very interesting and useful. And during the lesson you will complete with each other. I shall divide you into two groups « Eagles» «Lions»
Task 1. a. Places. Label these pictures. mountain woods factory bridge River palace lake church cottage car park swimming pool
b. Complete the sentences with the names of places on shops in a town. 1. You can have a cup of coffee at a c My favourite film is on at the c at the moment. 3. You can see a doctor at the h You can send letters at the p o You can get money from the b You can go swimming in the r You can buy bread at the b You can buy jeans at a s
3. Home Puzzle Find the words from the puzzle. T O I L E T A B E T E B A R S C L E L A M P H O E I D P U T O M V W I N D O W P I E R O H S E U S O F A O H R T I B A T H O B E O E C O O K E R N D F R I D G E
4. Hidden words Find things in the classroom 1. k e d s 2. d o r o флип 3. m l a p 4. k o b o 5. b k o o c e s a 6. t a l b e 7. o w di n w 8. c h r a i
5. Check the meaning of the key words. Read the words. Key words : bath, bed, carpet, cooker, DVD player, fridge, lamp, shower, sofa, table, television, toilet, video, window, sink. What key words can you see in the photos ?
6.Put the key words in the correct column. Sitting room Bed room Kitchen Bath room
IV. Introduction of the new material. Buckingham Palace. Would you like to travel to London? Here are some famous places in London.
Introduction of the new words Buckingham Palace - Букингем Сарайы Attraction - көз тартар Public - қоғам Private - жеке Royal family - король, патша отбасы.
2. Reading the text. Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is one of the most famous building in the world. Thousand of tourists come to see it every year. England is not as big as Kazakhstan. Buckingham Palace is in the very centre of London. The Palace is one of the four homes of the Royal Family. The weather in England is never hot or very cold. The Queen meets kings, queens or presidents from other countries there. Buckingham Palace is like a small village. There is a police station, a hospital, a bar, a disco, a cinema and a swimming pool. There are six hundred rooms. About seven hundred people work there.
V. а.Consolidation of the new material. Now say if these sentences are true (Т) or false (F): 1.Thousand of tourists come to see the Palace every year. 2. Buckingham Palace is the Royal Family`s only house. 3. Buckingham Palace is in the west part of London. 4.The weather in London is very hot. 5. There are five hundred rooms. b. Work with the poster.
VI. Home task. Retell the text Buckingham Palace VII. Evaluation. Thank you very much for your attention, for your activity. I`m satisfired with your work. Our lesson was fruitful. I`ll give you only ‘ good’’ and ‘excellent’’marks. The lesson is over. Good bye, children!