9/21/08D. Vega, South Western High School Of Mice & Men John Steinbeck The Big Ideas
Fall 2008D. Vega, South Western High School Big Idea #1: George ’ s Dream The Fading American Dream Based on Jeffersonian Ideal of an Agrarian Society: Jefferson believed that the US should remain a land of farmers and ranchers with deep ties to the land. Ever since, land ownership has become every American ’ s dream.
Fall 2008D. Vega, South Western High School Two Disasters Collapse Dream The stock market crash of October of 1929 ruins businesses causes massive unemployment (25% unemployment) reduces production of basic resources (50% drop) destroys jobs The Dust Bowl ( ) of the Midwestern and Southern Plains displaces millions of Americans.
Fall 2008D. Vega, South Western High School Two Disasters Collapse Dream (cont ’ d) Both disasters cause an exodus to the last beacon of hope: California 200,000 migrants head to CA Rich agricultural lands Hollywood (creates “ dreams ” via movie industry, providing an escape from a harsh reality; many dream of becoming movie stars)
Fall 2008D. Vega, South Western High School Big Idea #2: Steinbeck ’ s Group Man Theory Naturalist Idea stems from Darwin ’ s Theory of Evolution Man has a Predatory Nature Survival of the fittest Exploitation of the weak by the powerful (the weak remain powerless)
Fall 2008D. Vega, South Western High School Big Idea #2: Steinbeck ’ s “ Group Man ” Theory (cont ’ d) To survive, man forms “ groups ” that function as individual social “ organisms. ” The individuals that make up the group have a common goal. Unfortunately, groups are created by like individuals: the weak stick to the weak and the strong stick to the strong
Fall 2008D. Vega, South Western High School Big Idea #3: Biblical Allusions The Fall of Man (Loss of Paradise) The Garden of Eden is a paradise where God provides Adam and Eve all of life ’ s necessities: food, water, shelter, peace, love. Man ’ s Imperfect Nature (in this case, Adam and Eve ’ s disobedience of God ’ s order not to eat from a certain tree) loses Man paradise. Man “ falls ” from the grace of God, who banishes Man from Eden.