Project Manager: Chance Guthrie Senior Engineer: Michael Kruse Communications Specialist: Kaycee Sunden
BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE We knew that if we put triangles in the bridge design it would make the bridge stronger, because it disperses the load.
Hypothesis If we use the specifications given for the construction of the bridge then the bridge should be able to hold a reasonable load when tested
Materials Graph paper Adviser/ Stein Calculator Pencils/pen Balsa wood Ruler Protractor Desk Hot glue Glue Gun Tablet Eraser
Info The measuring tolerances we used were + or- I mm We measured in Cm
Procedures 1. Read the rules for the project construction. 2. Get the materials from the material list. 3. Check the size construction to decide what dimensions we could use to build our bridge. 4. We Measured and figured out the dimensions. 5. We drew the design on graph paper. 6. After the bridge was drawn we calculated how much balsa wood it would take to construct the bridge. 7. After our first attempt we had too much wood for the bridge. We had to take out s`ome of the wood and redesign it.
Procedures 8. Again we calculated how much wood we would use and it came out too much we did this two more times. Then we discovered that we measured some of the lengths twice. This time calculations came out right. 9.After we got our measurements right we started building the bridge. The part that was hard here was making sure the wood was cut to the exact measurements on our paper