APA Overview AGED 520V
APA Overview Organization Ch 1: Content and Organization of a Manuscript Ch 2: Expressing Ideas and Reducing Bias in Language Ch 3: APA Editorial Style Ch 4: Reference List Ch 5: Manuscript Preparation and Sample Papers Ch 6: Material Other Than Journal Articles
APA Overview Organization, cont’d Ch 7: Manuscript Acceptance and Production Ch 8: Journals Program of the APA Bibliography Appendixes A & B: Manuscript Checklists Appendix C: Ethics Appendix D: Legal Materials Appendix E: Sample Cover Letter INDEX
APA Overview How Authors Use the Manual Most start with the index Many bookmark frequently-used pages, and some use complex tab systems I use paperclips and sticky notes Many refer to the MS examples on pp. 306 to 320 Some are tempted to follow the style of the manual itself. THIS IS A BAD IDEA. The manual doesn’t always follow its own style.