Primary studies Secondry studies
Primary studies Experimental studies Clinical trial studies Surveys studies
Secondry studies Reviews studies Guidlines studies Decision analysis Economic analysis
Narrative review What is narrative review ? its limitations: not all research gets published reluctance to publish clinical trials with negative results only 2/3 of published abstracts which can not provide methodology detail, get into print as full publication within a 2 year period
Systematic review A comprehensive search for all relevant studies on a specific topic and those identified are then apprised and synthesized according to predetermined and explicit criteria
Background Glass 1976 Cochrane collaboration 1993
Cochrane systematic review protocole Review question Inclusion criteria Locate studies (Data bases) Select studies Assess study quality Extract data Analysis and present results
A good Systematic review 1.Focus on well defined question, stating the population, intervention, control groups and out comes 2.Reviewer should make a substantial effort to search for all literature relevant to question
A good Systematic review 3.The criteria for selecting or rejecting studies should be clearly stated and appropriate 4.The criteria used to assess the quality of primary studies should be clear
A good Systematic review 5.The process by which data was extracted from the primary studies should be transparent 6.A table illustrating the study characteristics of each included primary study should be presented.
A good Systematic review 7.Heterogeneity between studies should be explored and reasons for any variation discussed 8.Were data pooled qualitatively or statistically? 9.Interpreting the results
Sources of systematic reviews
Selected Electronic Health Information Resources ResourceInternet Address ACP Journal Cochrane Clinical practice MD EBMR Reviews (OVID)
EBM Resources Limitations limited to English only addresses questions amenable to randomized trials most of medicine has not been studied enough to allow for conclusions Cochrane Database
The Cochrane Library is a collection of 6 main databases and 1 additional databases that describe Cochrane as an organization. These are: Cochrane Databases 1. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) 2. The Cochrane Database of Reviews of Effects (DARE) 3. The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) 4. The Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (CDMR) 5. Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA) 6. NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) 7. THE COCHRANE METHODOLOGY REGISTER (CMR) 8. About The Cochrane Collaboration and the Cochrane Collaborative Review Groups
A cquire the best evidence A ppraise the evidence A pply evidence to patient care A ssess your patient A sk clinical questions EBD Method
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