Carla Geiger Imperfect and Pluperfect Subjunctive Forms and Clauses Carla Geiger
Subjunctive: Imperfect Tense, Active portārem I was carryingI docērem I was teaching portāres you were carryingyou docēres you were teaching portāret s/he was carryingheshe/it docēret s/he was teaching portāremus we you were carryingwe docēremus we were teaching portāretis you were carrying youPl. docēretis you were teaching portārent they were carryingthey docērent they were teaching The endings, attached to the infinitive, but watch the translation
Imperfect Subjunctive, Active Subjects 3rdConjugation Ego I trāherem I was dragging Tu You trāheres you were dragging Is/Ea/Id He/She/it trāheret s/he was dragging Nos We trāheremus we were dragging Vos You Pl. trāheretis you were dragging Ei/ Eae/ Ea They trāherent they were dragging 4th Conjugation audīrem I was hearing audīres you were hearing audīret s/he was hearing audīremus we were hearing audīretis you were hearing audīrent they were hearing Infinitive + endings m, s, t, mus, tis, nt
Subj. Pluperfect Tense, Active portavissem I had carriedI docuissem I had taught portavisses you had carriedyou docuisses you had taught portavisset s/he had carriedheshe/it docuisset s/he had taught portavissemus we had carriedwe docuissemus we had taught portavissetis you had carried youPl. docuissetis you had taught portavissent they had carried they docuissent they had taught 3 rd part of verb:= perfect stem+ isse = PERFECT INFINITIVE audiverat: perfect indicative= + endings
Subj.Pluperfect Tense, Active traxissem I had pulledI audivissem I had heard traxisses you had pulledyou audivisses you had heard traxisset s/he hadpulledheshe/it audivisset s/he had heard traxissemus we had pulledwe audivissemus we had heard traxissetis you had pulled youPl. audivissetis you had heard traxissent they hadpulled they audivissent they had heard 3 rd part of verb:= perfect stem+ isse audiverat: pluperfect indicative=
CUM CLAUSES/Temporal a. IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE cum in urbe ambulabam- When I was walking in the city… b.PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE cum Salvium vidissent.... When they had seen Salvius
INDIRECT QUESTIONS a. IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE nescivi ubi in Britannia esses... I did not know where YOU were in Britain b.PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE rogavit quo modo iuvenem cepisset. He asked how HE had captured the young man
PURPOSE CLAUSES A. IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE venerunt ut in Britannia militarent.... They came in order to be a soldier in Britain B. IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE NEGATIVE venerunt NE in Britannia militarent They came in order NOT to be a soldier in Britain
INDIRECT COMMANDS A. militibus imperabat ut ad castra venirent.... He ordered the soldiers to come to the military camp. verbs of commands:mando, impero, persuadeo + dativemoneo, oro, incito,rogo + accusative B. negative: NE : eos rogavi ne venirent = I asked them not to come.
RESULT CLAUSES a. IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE tam peritus erat ut omnes eum laudarent.... He was so skillful that all were praising him CLUES: TAM, SIC, ADEO= SO, SO MUCH; TOT= so many TANTUS= SO GREAT NEGATIVE: UT NON tam crudelis erat ut cives eum non laudarent He was so cruel that the citizens did not praise him.