High-Frequency Quoting: Measurement, Detection and Interpretation Joel Hasbrouck 1
Outline Background Look at a data fragment Economic significance Statistical modeling Application to larger sample Open questions 2
Economics of high-frequency trading Absolute speed In principle, faster trading leads to smaller portfolio adjustment cost and better hedging For most traders, latencies are inconsequential relative to the speeds of macroeconomic processes and intensities of fundamental information. Relative speed (compared to other traders) A first mover advantage is extremely valuable. Low latency technology has increasing returns to scale and scope. This gives rise to large firms that specialize in high-frequency trading. 3
Welfare: “HFT imposes costs on other players” They increase adverse selection costs. The information produced by HFT technology is simply advance knowledge of other players’ order flows. Jarrow, Robert A., and Philip Protter, Biais, Bruno, Thierry Foucault, and Sophie Moinas,
Welfare: “HFT improves market quality.” Supported by most empirical studies that correlate HF measures/proxies with standard liquidity measures. Hendershott, Terrence, Charles M. Jones, and Albert J. Menkveld, 2010 Hasbrouck, Joel, and Gideon Saar, 2011 Hendershott, Terrence J., and Ryan Riordan,
“HFTs are efficient market-makers” Empirical studies Kirilenko, Andrei A., Albert S. Kyle, Mehrdad Samadi, and Tugkan Tuzun, 2010 Menkveld, Albert J., 2012 Brogaard, Jonathan, 2010a, 2010b, 2012 Strategy: identify a class of HFTs and analyze their trades. HFTs closely monitor and manage their positions. HFTs often trade passively (supply liquidity via bid and offer quotes) But … HFTs don’t maintain a continuous market presence. They sometimes trade actively (“aggressively”) 6
Positioning We use the term “high frequency trading” to refer to all sorts of rapid-paced market activity. Most empirical analysis focuses on trades. This study emphasizes quotes. 7
High-frequency quoting Rapid oscillations of bid and/or ask quotes. Example AEPI is a small Nasdaq-listed manufacturing firm. Market activity on April 29, 2011 National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO) The highest bid and lowest offer (over all market centers) 8
9 National Best Bid and Offer for AEPI during regular trading hours
Caveats Ye & O’Hara (2011) A bid or offer is not incorporated into the NBBO unless it is 100 sh or larger. Trades are not reported if they are smaller than 100 sh. Due to random latencies, agents may perceive NBBO’s that differ from the “official” one. Now zoom in on one hour … 10
11 National Best Bid and Offer for AEPI from 11:00 to 12:10
12 National Best Bid and Offer for AEPI from 11:15:00 to 11:16:00
13 National Best Bid and Offer for AEPI from 11:15:00 to 11:16:00
14 National Best Bid for AEPI: 11:15: to 11:15: (400 ms)
So what? HFQ noise degrades the informational value of the bid and ask. HFQ aggravates execution price uncertainty for marketable orders. And in US equity markets … NBBO used as reference prices for dark trades. Top (and only the top) of a market’s book is protected against trade-throughs. 15
“Dark” Trades Trades that don’t execute against a visible quote. In many trades, price is assigned by reference to the NBBO. Preferenced orders are sent to wholesalers. Buys filled at NBO; sells at NBB. Crossing networks match buyers and sellers at the midpoint of the NBBO. 16
Features of the AEPI episodes Extremely rapid oscillations in the bid. Start and stop abruptly Possibly unconnected with fundamental news. Directional (activity on the ask side is much smaller) 17
A framework for analysis: the requirements Need precise resolution (the data have one ms. time-stamps) Low-order vector autoregression? Oscillations: spectral (frequency) analysis? Represent a time series as a combination sine/cosine functions. But the functions are recurrent over the full sample. AEPI episodes are localized. 18
Stationarity The oscillations are locally stationary. Framework must pick up stationary local variation … But not exclude random-walk components. Should identify long-run components as well as short-run. 19
Intuitively, I’d like to … Use a moving average to smooth series. Implicitly estimating the long-term component. Isolate the HF component as a residual. 20
Alternative: Time-scale decomposition Represent a time-series in terms of basis functions (wavelets) Wavelets: Localized Oscillatory Use flexible (systematically varying) time-scales. Accepted analytical tool in diverse disciplines. Percival and Walden; Gencay et. al. 21
Sample bid path 22
First pass (level) transform 23 Original price series 2-period average 1-period detail
First pass (level) transform 24 Original price series 2-period average 1-period detail 1-period detail sum of squares
Second pass (level) transform 25 2-period average 2-period detail 4-period average
Third level (pass) transform 26 4-period average 4-period detail 8-period average
Interpretation 28
Multi-resolution analysis of AEPI bid 29
31 1-4ms 8ms-1s 2s-2m >2m Time scale
Connection to standard time series analysis 32
The wavelet variance of a random-walk 33
The wavelet variance for the AEPI bid: an economic interpretation Orders sent to market are subject to random delays. This leads to arrival uncertainty. For a market order, this corresponds to price risk. For a given time window, the cumulative wavelet variance measures this risk. 35
Timing a trade: the price path 36
Timing a trade: the arrival window 37
The time-weighted average price (TWAP) benchmark 38 Time-weighted average price
Timing a trade: TWAP Risk 39 Variation about time-weighted average price
Price uncertainty 40
The wavelet variance: a comparison with realized volatility 41
Data sample 100 US firms from April 2011 Sample stratified by equity market capitalization Alphabetic sorting Within each market cap decile, use first ten firms. Summary data from CRSP HF data from daily (“millisecond”) TAQ 42
Median Share price, EOY 2010 Mkt cap, EOY, 2010, $Million Avg daily dollar vol, 2010, $Thousand Avg daily no. of trades, April 2011 Avg daily no. of quotes, April 2011 Full sample $ ,1401,11123,347 Dollar Volume Deciles 0 (low) $ $ ,275 2 $ ,309 3 $ ,40515,093 4 $ , ,433 5 $ ,0771,23334,924 6 $26.341,3395,6012,04537,549 7 $28.401,86313,2363,21952,230 8 $36.733,46234,1197,24394,842 9 (high) $ ,352234,48325,847368,579
Computational procedures 44
Example: AAPL (Apple Computer) 45
46 Median99 th percentileMedian BidAskBidAsk 1 ms ms ms ms ms sec sec sec
47 Median 99 th percentile 1 ms ms ms ms ms sec sec sec
48 Median 99 th percentile 1 ms ms ms ms ms sec sec sec
How closely do the wavelet variances for AAPL’s bid correspond to a random walk? 50 Scale Wavelet variance estimate Random-walk variance factors Implied random- walk variance 1 ms ms ms ms ms sec sec sec ,
Reasonable? 51
Volatility Signature Plots Suggested by Andersen and Bollerslev. Plot realized volatility (per constant time unit) vs. length of interval used to compute the realized volatility. Basic idea works for wavelet variances. “How much is short-run quote volatility inflated, relative to what we’d expect from a random walk?” 52
Normalization of wavelet variances 53
For presentation … 54
The take-away For high-cap firms Wavelet variances at short time scales have modest elevation relative to random- walk. Low-cap firms Wavelet variances are strongly elevated at short time scales. Significant price risk relative to TWAP. 56
Sample bid-ask wavelet correlations These are already normalized. Compute quintile averages across firms. 57
How closely do movements in the bid and ask track? 59
A gallery For each firm in mkt cap deciles 6, I examined the day with the highest wavelet variance at time scales of 1 second and under. HFQ is easiest to see against a backdrop of low activity. Next slides … some examples 60
Conclusions High frequency quoting is a real (but episodic) fact of the market. Time-scale decompositions are useful in measuring the overall effect. … and detecting the episodes Remaining questions … 68
Why does HFQ occur? Why not? The costs are extremely low. Testing? Malfunction? Interaction of simple algos? Genuinely seeking liquidity (counterparty)? Deliberately introducing noise? Deliberately pushing the NBBO to obtain a favorable price in a dark trade? 69