Somatosensory System and Pain Prof. Marshall Devor, Ph.D. Dept. of Cell & Animal Biology and Center for Research on Pain Institute of Life Sciences Hebrew University of Jerusalem lecture 4: Afferent input to the spinal cord 08-9 פיסיולוגיה מורחב 08-9 פיסיולוגיה מורחב
flexor reflex flexor reflex afferents nociceptors multisegmental response Collateral branching flexion extension nociceptive afferent
segmental reflex flexor reflex
primary sensory neurons
D V rostral caudal rostral cranial cervical thoracic lumbar sacral coccygeal caudal somatotopic mapping (note overlapping RFs)
substantia gelatinosa
Rexed laminae ventral horn dorsal horn A Aδ C
SP NK1 substance P – neurotransmitter/ neuromodulator neurokinin 1 (NK1) SP receptor
somatotopic mapping Rexed’s laminae divergence convergence
dermatome L6 L4 L1 T10 T11 T10-T11 overlap dermatome somatotopic map
trigeminal system V1,V2,V3 V = 5 th cranial nerve opthalmic division maxillary division mandibular division caudal trigeminal nucleus = dorsal horn of V
proximal distal somatotopic map Med. Lat. rostral caudal fore hind proximo-distal rostro-caudal
succinyl dehydrogenase somatosensory mapping
somatotopic mapping Rexed’s laminae divergence convergence
BT+P+ P- WDR multireceptive some SG neurons are "nociceptive specific" X low threshold specific Rexed’s laminae
synaptic input into the dorsal horn
Divergence SA1
divergence convergence
Somatosensory System and Pain Prof. Marshall Devor, Ph.D. Dept. of Cell & Animal Biology and Center for Research on Pain Institute of Life Sciences Hebrew University of Jerusalem lecture 4: Afferent input to the spinal cord פיסיולוגיה מורחב
myotactic (stretch) reflex …demo simple behavior Polysynaptic antagonist muscle (inhibitory interneuron) Monosynaptic agonist muscle Muscle spindle כישור שריר Muscle spindle afferent (DRG)