ABC Book By Jose Castaneda
A a Abolitionism- Movement to end slavery Andrew Jackson- 7 th president hero of the battle of new Orleans (War of 1812). Began a new style of American politics “Jacksonian Democracy’’ ordered the trail of anational Government
B b Boycott- A refusal to buy certain goods. Brown, John- Militant Abolitionist who led raid at Harper Harry
C c Calhoun, John C.- Vice president of U.S. created a doctrine of Nullification which said that a state could decide if a law was constitutional Colonial Era- Trade and travel occurred along rivers, roads improved during this time but still rough
D d Dred Scott v Sanford (1875)- Said that African Americans were not citizens of the U.S. & said that Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional increased Sectionalism Dawes Act- Indian policy that broke up reservations into individual land plots
E e Exploration Reasons- Religion (GOD) Wealth (Gold) Fame & international recognition (Glory) Emancipation Proclamation- Freed slaves in Southern states issued By president Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863 Lincoln did not have the power to free slaves in the southern states in reality it freed very few laws
F f Fort Sumter-First shoot of the civil war before supplies could arrive Confederate troops attack the fort and civil war begins Federalist Party- Believe in a strong national Government support of Industry (Alexander Hamilton, John Adams)
G g George Washington- 1 st President encouraged no political parties and isolation Farewell address encouraged isolation and no forming political parties Gadsden Purchase-Land purchased from Mexico in used to complete the Transcontinental Railroad
H h Harriett Beecher Stowe-Wrote “uncle toms cabin” which portrayed slavery in the south Harriet Tubman-Former slave and conductor of Underground Railroad
I i Industrialization-Occurred in the north machine began to do the work that people did Intolerable Acts-Closed Boston's formed first continental congress
J j James Madison-Father of the constitution one of the three authors “Federalist Papers” & author of the “Bill of rights” James Armistead-Africa American Spy during the American Revolution
K k Kansas Nebraska Act-All were examples of the Government Compromise that actually spread slavery further in the country King George the 3 rd -King of England during American Revolution
L l Locke, John-Writing on the nature of government influenced the founding fathers government is developed by the consent of the people & inalienable right life, liberty& property Labor Reform Movement-Social movement where workers began protesting and strikes to get better wages and working hours