Mare 390L – Photo ID Lab. B C 4 groups ≈ 4 per group 2 Digital Cameras w/ telephoto 1 Digital Camera w/video 1 Binoculars w/ reticule Overlapping.


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Presentation transcript:

Mare 390L – Photo ID Lab

B C 4 groups ≈ 4 per group 2 Digital Cameras w/ telephoto 1 Digital Camera w/video 1 Binoculars w/ reticule Overlapping Zones = 360° Group A Upper Deck C Groups B & C Lower Deck Group D - Datasheets Humpback Cruise A

Hawaii 2012 Event Log Vessel:________ Date: / /2006 Personnel:______________________________________________ Page____ of _____ DD MMM YYYY (full names of new crew, initials of others, circle recorder) EventTime (24 h) Latitude and Longitude (dd.ddddd/ddd.ddddd) (write waypoint # in left margin) Sighting #, species, sea state, commentskm Event Codes (note time and waypoint for all events):06 – Biopsy sample collected (note shot # & sample #) 01 – Begin survey day (note sea state/weather) on effort07 – Tagging (specify tag frequency and tag type (e.g., Mk6/8/9) 02 – Go off effort (note km)08 – End of sighting, note km 03 – Go on effort (note km)09 – Unusual bird sighting (note species, group size) 04 – Sea State/Weather (Beaufort, swell height, note km)10 – Other (e.g., tag recovery, note tag frequency, skin on cup etc) 05 – Sighting, note sighting #, species, km11 - End of survey day (note total km, total hours on effort). RE-SET KM ON GPS at start of day. Use TAGGING DATA SHEET for behavior/location data for tagged animals. Note # of associated tagging data sheets at end of day or after tag recovery. Rev. 27 Feb 2006 Record initials after data entry:_____________

RECORD ITEMS IN BOLD IMMEDIATELY Record items in italics at end of encounter Date: / / 2012 Start time:__________ Species:___________________ Sighting #:_________ Cue:_________ DD MMM year (24 h clock) see below _______ Obs:_______ Obs. Pos._______Recorder:_______ Sea Cond.________ Group size: ________ /________ /__________ Boat initials (Upper/Lower, P/S/F/B) initials (Beaufort/swell, e.g., B2/S2’) MIN BEST MAX Wpt #_________Wpt #__________Lat/Long:_______________________________________ Behav. DOT:______ (first seen) group) start) (Lat/Long always in dd.ddddd/ddd.ddddd) (see below) Group Envelope:__________________ % Group observed:_____________ % w/CC wounds:____________#wounds/_________ (e.g., 100 x 400 m) (close enough to note remoras, wounds, neonates etc) individual End Time:________ Lat/Long:__________________________________ Wpt#________ Behav:___________ DOT:_______ #Fish. ________ Reason for Leaving:____________________ Neonates: yes / no / unk #:_____ YOY: yes / no / unk #:_____ vessels (see below) (circle) (circle) If other research boat present If other species record sighting # for their enc._______ present record: Species:______________ Sighting # for other:__________ Mixed group :_________ (use separate data sheet for other species) Yes / No

Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier’s beaked whale Mesoplodon densirostris Blainville’s beaked whale

Kogia breviceps Pygmy sperm whale Kogia simus Dwarf sperm whale

Feresa attenuata Pygmy killer whale Peponocephala electra Melon-headed whale