VI- American Neutrality A) America adopted a policy of neutrality in the first years of WW1 1) Neutrality- refuse to take sides in a conflict. 2) President Wilson thought that France and England would win the war without help.
3) The American public was split over which side to support in the war. Why?
B) Because America is a nation of immigrants, the public chose sides in the war based on their ethnic background. 1) German/Americans wanted to support Germany 2) French, English, and Russian immigrants wanted to support the allies.
3) European nations produced yellow journalism articles to sway American opinion. a) The articles accused the others of war atrocities b) Atrocities- cruel and evil acts
C) America criticize Germany and their use of the Unterboat. 1) Unterboat, or U- Boat, the worlds first submarines hunting ships in the Atlantic Ocean.
2) The Germans told every nation that any ship approaching England or France would be sunk without warning.
VII-America’s inciting moments A) In May 1915The Lusitania was a passenger liner (cruise ship) that was traveling from America to England. 1) A German U Boat attacked and sank the ship.
2) 1,200 people are killed including 120 Americans. 3) The American public is outraged and demands war, but Pres. Wilson keeps us neutral
B) Zimmerman Telegram 1) Alfred Zimmerman was a German diplomat and Ambassador. 2) Several of his letters and telegrams were captured by American spies.
3) On one telegram, Zimmerman promised the President of Mexico that if Mexico joined Germany then Germany would help Mexico recapture Texas.
C) President Wilson now has no choice and declares war on Germany.
D-American Expeditionary Force 1) Within two years, America is able to bring over 2 million men and equipment to fight on the Western Front. 2) These fresh troops and supplies are going to be the key to breaking the stalemate trench lines.