JISC-CETIS Conference, Oxford, PDP / e-portfolio domain Convened by CETIS LIPSIG Learner Information Profile SIG Real focus on the learner Peter Rees Jones (convener) Simon Grant
JISC-CETIS Conference, Oxford, Meeting yesterday About 30 participants Domain level - what functions do projects or systems support? Some functions very widespread: learning formative assessment transition from education to work
JISC-CETIS Conference, Oxford, Less universal functions in domain Work / professional training or development (~12) Transition from education to work (~8) Summative assessment (~6) HR (~4) Staff review (~3) Changing jobs (~2)
JISC-CETIS Conference, Oxford, Learner stages 4 to 14 (~3) 14 to 19 (~12) adult / FE / continuing (~15) 1 st cycle HE (undergrad) (~20) higher degrees (~8) professional development / training (~8)
JISC-CETIS Conference, Oxford, Other ideas and issues transition from prison to work (etc.) E-portfolio as celebration of learning wider transfer of attributes stewardship of information (not ownership) What is an e-portfolio??? (still… ) Down with ULN!
JISC-CETIS Conference, Oxford, Common Services relevant to PDP/e-portfolio Harvesting Resolver Logging Workflow Mapping Messaging Content management Rating / Annotation Chat Person Calendaring Alert AV conferencing management DRM Identifier Search Presence Authentication Packaging Terminology Federated search Role Metadata management Whiteboard Context Scheduling Metadata service registry Filing Service registry Rules Authorisation Archiving User preferences Group Member Format conversion Forum
JISC-CETIS Conference, Oxford, PDP / e-portfolio Learning Domain Services Reporting Resource list Competency Activity author Course validation Sequencing Tracking Assessment ePortfolio Marking Quality assurance Activity management Grading Learning flow Curriculum Personal development Course management
JISC-CETIS Conference, Oxford, Personal Information Management E-portfolio-relevant information IS distributed already, likely to be more so Learners must be able to control it and manage it effectively ?