Open app store and download QR code reader This will shorten the time we take to find and download the apps today. This tool is a quick way to direct pupils to places on the ipad such as websites.
Popplet The modern spider diagram.
It could be used as a quick starter to a lesson or as an ongoing tool throughout a session is Popplet. This app is free and very simple to use and is great for generating and organising ideas. Students can create mind maps or brainstorm like diagrams that detail their ideas and thoughts, the interface is incredibly intuitive allowing learners to focus on their creative ideas as the device and app become transparent. Simple use. Draw Insert images Assign colours Add text
For and against: Prepping for longer mark questions or essays. Because the app has the ability to colour different boxes different colours they can put all for points in one colour and all against points in another colour around the posed question. Collaboration possibility. You could put in talk time. Then forming the popplet as a plan for the answer.
Planning for creating a story Analysing a story Students could be given the blank layout and shown this in order to create their own.
Art lesson example
Exporting Once students have completed their mind maps or projects the exporting capabilities are simple yet effective, there are options for saving the Popplet as a jpeg directly to the device’s Camera Roll or sharing via . Again opportunity here to pair up and peer assess and improve before doing the longer exam answer or essay response.
What could you use popplet for? Squad time Revision Starters Plenaries Exam question response prep Have a go at creating on Popplet
Show Me Flip learning- Learning at the students own pace. The app that allows you to learn and teach!
Basic use. Portable whiteboard that students or teacher can air server to the IWB. Linking the Ipad to your laptop. Which means that you can write on the whiteboard whist circulating the room. You can keep students in their seats and still have them interact with the whiteboard. (Either by drawing on your ipad or linking their own to the IWB). Insert pictures
What is so special about it? Recording capabilities Insert images Voice over What is being written on the whiteboard. You can pause recording, write something, then un- pause recording which will have that section of writing/images to appear at that point of time in your recording. Published videos available. You can publish.
Pupil use. Set a written problem (upload a picture or write it on the show me screen). Students can then record how they work out their answer. Students can narrate what they are doing. Google has a URL shortner
You can video how to clips in advance of a lesson so that pupils can follow at their own pace. Traditional method payback how to video Flip learning- I will set watching the video as homework and pupils will now come to lesson to apply the technique to higher order past exam questions. Teacher use
How could you use this in your teaching? Are there any good showme’s already published you could use? Have a go at making a show me recording. Try making a video you can send o pupils this week. Could be setting the homework. Could be a support video. How to guide.
T charts
For and against lists. Finding the greatest common factor. SMSC- Give a list of points that students need to put into a correct column. Is it cultural or moral? True or false
How else could we use this app? Think about what lesson you could use this in
Blooms Apps