WELCOME! LOOK AT OUR BW FOR THURSDAY: [12 min] WRITE IN YOUR BINDER Grade Update/reflection: Look at your current grade and write the following sentences. My current grade is ______________. I have this grade because _____________. I could improve my grade by _____________. Ms. Martin is so nice, but she is a tough grader. I will go to tutoring on Wednesdays after school, or I’ll see her after school any day of the week. My grade is my responsibility.
SOAPSTONE: NOTES Reading Strategy Guide—read over and place in reading resources section of your binder. Speaker-who is the voice that is writing piece? What is the point of view? Occasion-what is the time and place of the piece? What is the issue? Audience-who is the targeted audience? Purpose-why was this written? What does the author want the targeted audience to think? Subject-what are the general topic, content, and ideas contained in the text? Tone-what is the attitude of the author? How do the words the author chose connect to the tone? How do the words the author chose connect to the author’s feelings? Now, discuss with your group. What section of the 4-square would go with each letter of SOAPSTone? Record your group’s answers on the whiteboard.
REVISITING YESTERDAY’S ARTICLE Fill in the SOAPStone sheet with your new partner. Norms for partner work today: Partners are drawn randomly. Sit with each other (shake hands, smile, & introductions). Read through reminder of what each response needs. Read through article together or silently. Work together to answer on your paper. Class discussion—chance for participation points. TOMORROW I WILL CHECK YOUR BINDER TO SEE YOUR BELL WORK