Authentic Assessment, Part Deux March 4 th, 2015
Reminder An assessment task, problem, or project is authentic if it… Requires judgment and innovation Assesses student’s ability to efficiently and effectively apply essential knowledge and skills to negotiate a complex and multistage task Drives instruction Provides on-going feedback Assesses for understanding Involves a real-world task that asks the student to “do” the subject
Assessment- Key Terms Summative Formative Traditional vs. Authentic
Traditional Authentic Selecting a Response Performing a Task Contrived Real-life Recall/Recognition Construction/Application Teacher-structured Student-structured Indirect Evidence Direct Evidence
Authentic or not authentic??
Thinking Like an Assessor Questions to ask yourself when designing an assessment: 1.What kind of evidence do you need? 1.What specific characteristics in students responses, products, or performances should you examine to determine if/how learning goals were achieved? 2.Does the evidence enable you to infer a student’s knowledge, skill, or understanding?
Authentic Assessment Brainstorm 1.Pair Share: Brainstorm how you will create OR revise an authentic assessment for either Q3 or Q4. (5 mins) Guiding questions: What makes this task authentic? How might it be more so? What can we infer about the students’ knowledge, skill, or understanding? Can you see how this might fit with our Priory SGO’s? 2. Post your AA: Write your AA idea on a post-it note and place it on the Whiteboard.
Feedback Present your idea for your creation/revision of your Authentic Assessment to your ever- supportive-colleagues (1 minute) Your ever-supportive-colleagues will give you a post it with feedback/ideas for your developing Authentic Assessment
Next up…. March 18 th (45 mins) – Importance of student voice and choice in authentic assessments – Empathy exercise March 25 th (90 mins) – Varying teaching & learning modalities – Check in & work period April 22 nd & 29 th (90 mins each) – Rubrics and grading for authentic assessments May 20 th (90 mins) – Small group share out