Project Brief A Taxpayer Service Enhancement Project Nationwide Competition of frontline BIR offices Conducted three times during the 1990’s (1990/1992/1994) Participating Professional & Business Groups, namely: PCCI, PICPA, & IBP KPI for BIR officers Feedback on taxpayer concerns & satisfaction
Main Features of the HMP RDOs and selected offices at the National Office will be evaluated on several factors Evaluation will be conducted by the Board of Judges / Evaluators, consisting of BIR & Partner / Organization representatives There shall be winners selected for each of the 19 Revenue Regions & one from the National Office for a total of 20 winners
Major Milestones MAY 2009 Launching – May 13, 2009 JULY 2009 Judging Period of BIR Offices AUGUST 2009 Awarding of Winners – on the BIR Anniversary Celebration
Key requisites of enhanced taxpayer service RMO issued to provide additional guidelines Integral element in BIR office: Taxpayer Assistance Area Welcome banner to be placed Essential elements in TSA: flow charts, log book, information materials, tax returns, facilities, and smiling and helpful personnel Taxpayer Feedback and BIR response system with Encouragement banner
HMP Materials HMP Official LOGO HMP Button Pins HMP Entrance Tarp HMP “Drop Box” Tarp
Presentation of HMP Jingle & Ad