Conor’s short film idea Action!
Basic outline! O The film is about a man who is planning “something” against the government and he has to hide and run away from the police and MI6 but he is being followed but is a foe or is it a friend?
Opening scene O The opening is a man rushing about his house collecting his belongings the camera will be blurred and will be hand held for it to shake to add nervousness to the shot. The camera will follow him around and zoom in on some letters to a blanked out address stating about secret government plans.
Opening scene continues.. O then the telephone rings and the camera zooms side on to the phone then spins around to the man’s face who looks scared and concerned and on edge the camera stays at his face for a while until the phone stops the camera pans around to the phone when message is played you can deep breathing and running sound then a man’s voice says they are coming for you Murphyzz then the camera spins sharply around to the mans face who looks pale
The rest O after that the camera angle changes to someone looking out a window at him when he runs out his house and the camera follows him then the camera zooms out to the side and then you can see the person who was just watching Murphyz with a camera filming him. It then cuts to first person of a man running on a pavement and then..
Target Audience O The main would be 15 to about 18 because that is the age I think most watch action films because the generation can get into it and I have researched that the younger generation prefer action films. RAJAR and BFC suggest this information on their websites.
Unique selling point (USP) O My USP is that I have a different filming technique and my imagination is unique, because I don’t show a lot of what happens in the opening bit of the film which adds suspense and emotion and room for the viewers to come up with ideas of what is going on.
How I will keep interest in audience O I shall keep interest in my audience by doing different camera movements and styles to add suspense, also camera shots will be kept quick.
Register and style. O My style of my movie will be my own which is unique and diverse to others and will be action packed! Also I shall have different scenes which shall impact the film with colourful lighting.
Message and values O Hidden political message. O Don’t run away from you're fears. O Be a good citizen in your society.