Motivation Assist in clarification of European certification in ICT Facilitate mobility of labour within EU Provide basis for tools for individual career planning Provide basis for tools for workforce planning in SMEs Support EC e-skills agenda
Other Bodies ILB CEPIS IFIP Framework developments EUCIP I3P Services Previous activities EQF Harmonise (& other e-certification studies) ICT Lane Planned activities & products E-Careers portal E-Careers tools & services for individuals & SMEs CEN/ISSS Workshop & Framework
CWAs delivered CWA : “Generic ICT Skills profiles for ICT supply industry” CWA : “ICT curriculum development Guidelines for the ICT supply industry” CWA “European ICT skills meta-framework. State-of-the-art review, clarification of the realities, and recommendations for next steps”
CWA URLs Skill/CWA May.pdf Feb.pdf
Current Status Draft on CEN web site for consultation Plenary Meeting 23/9 in Paris for formal review Issue of approved draft as CEN Workshop Agreement October/November 2008 Further projects to develop user tools and methods under way Development of framework for users under consideration Recruitment meeting 10/12 Brussels