Istation Overview January 7, 2013 HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT.


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Presentation transcript:



What is ISIP? ISIP Early Reading for grades K-3: spelling, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension ISIP Español for grades K-3: phonological awareness and phonics, spelling and writing conventions, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension ISIP Advanced Reading for grades 4-8 and grade 9 intervention: word analysis, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension 3


Usage Recommendations Primary Intervention: Tier 3 students use the program for 120 or more minutes per week. Tier 2 students use the program for 90 minutes per week. Supplemental Intervention: Tier 3 students use the program for 90 or more minutes per week. Tier 2 students use the program for 60 minutes per week. 5


Istation Reports ISIP Summary Report – shows the number and percentage of students at each instructional tier for the current month Priority Report – alerts teachers of students needing additional support and provides lessons based on demonstrated weaknesses Student Summary Handout – provides student performance data from the most recently completed ISIP assessment; can be sent home and/or used during parent conferences and ARDs 7

8 Student Summary Handout



11 Help and Support

For campus questions, contact the Istation-trained campus representative. For technical assistance, contact Istation Support at , option 2. For district implementation questions, contact H. Lee Pryor, or 12