Owen Guthrie
Best Learning Experience?
Gamification: Learning by doing!
Gamification: "Use of game elements and game design concepts in non game contexts."
Gamification: for our (my) purposes Creating active learning opportunities tapping into our primitive learning system (desire for awesomeness) via play.
Play essential to what makes us human. The magic circle
Within the Circle: Rules matter The game matters Virtual environment Similar to...? A good game puts the player in the magic circle as much as possible! Why?
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." -Henry David Thoreau
Dopamine’s Vatican City
Virtual Dopamine Palaces
As instructor... You create and control all the variables in the magic circle -
You are the experience designer You control the narrative leading to your big idea and the narrative of their awesomeness... You are the puppet master
Turn your students into junkies!
Already gamifying? Syllabus - Rubrics Dress / Voice Class games? Rewards? Narrative? Why?
An example:
Homework! 1.Download Gorogoa ( 2.Play on your own – or with a friend or with a child! 3.Write a short blog post – less than 100 words about the experience.
Accounting systems of awesomeness Badging...