Spring is green Summer is bright Autumn is yellow Winter is white.
I was born on the (date) of (month). My Zodiac sign is ______. I was born in (season). ……………………………….
spring, summer, winter, wind
spring, summer, winter, wind
warm, frost, hot, heat
warm, frost, hot, heat
sky, snow, rain, drizzle
sky, snow, rain, drizzle
August, July, June, November
August, July, June, November
South, East, Wind, North
South, East, Wind, North
sunny, foggy, wet, humid
sunny, foggy, wet, humid
Variant Осень 2. Мороз 3. Юг 4. Светить 5. Выше нуля 6. Влажный 7. Прохладный 8. Жара 9. Идет дождь 10. Декабрь 1. Лето 2. Ветер 3. Восток 4. Моросить 5. Ниже нуля 6. Сырой 7. Жаркий 8. Изменчивый 9. Идет снег 10. Январь Variant 2.
Climate in Great Britain.
The weather is the favourite topic of conversation in Great Britain.
The climate in Britain is cool, temperate and humid.
The weather is changeable.
The climate in the United Kingdom is mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream.
The English also say, that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon, and when it rains all day long.
Sometimes it rains so heavily, that they say ‘It’s raining cats and dogs’.
The average range of temperature from winter to summer is from 15 to 23 degrees above zero.
January and February are usually the coldest months, July and August the warmest.
Winters are extremely mild.
The wettest months are from October to January.
During the normal summer the temperature sometimes rises above 30 degrees in the South.
Make up sentences The weather in Great Britain The climate in Great Britain The coldest months The warmest months The wettest months Winters in the United Kingdom The favourite topic of conversation July August weather humid,changeable January February mild from October to January
Будущее простое время
I shall go to the cinema tomorrow. They will go to the South next summer. My sister will have a birthday in a week. We shall have a nice weather tomorrow. Jack and Pete will go out somewhere at the week- end. There will be a break in a few minutes. I shall buy a new house in a year. Spring will come soon.