Population: Canada and the World
Population Change Equation Births – deaths + immigrants – emigrants = increase or decrease in population
Population Pyramid Graph – age and sex structure of a population “cohorts” – intervals of 5 years
4 Pyramid Models 1)Early Expanding – high birth rate, high death rate, low life expectancy
2) Expanding – high birth rate, lower death rate, higher life expectancy
3) Stable – generally, the number of youth equals the number of older people
4) Contracting – larger numbers of older people than younger (greying population
An animated pyramid of Canada recensement/2006/as-sa/ /vignettes/cda06pymd.swf recensement/2006/as-sa/ /vignettes/cda06pymd.swf
China’s Population Pyramid
Animated China Pyramid od/data/anim od/data/anim /pop_ani.htm
Population Distribution
The numbers are not good... 35% of the world’s land = not good for settlement Over 50% of world’s pop. lives on only 5% of the land 90 % live on 20 % of the land 2/3rds of people live within 500 km of the ocean
Population Density
If the world had only 100 people...
Physical factors affecting population density Climate
Can you think of 5 HUMAN factors affecting population density? 1)Govt. Policies 2)Disease 3)Development 4)Culture 5)Communication