By: Isiah Epps Ashley Cuevas Mirdilia Checo Samantha Gonzalez
Why did totalitarianism spread so quickly after WW1? The terrible inflation of the 1920’s cause many Germans, to have little faith in the government. In the 1920’s Adolf Hitler gained control of the Nazi Party. Hitler won popular support by blaming Jews for Germany’s defeat in World War 1 and for its economic troubles. The Weimar government in Germany faced many problems as they looked for someone to blame their economic troubles and defeat in the war.
How did WW1 affect your country? Germany signed the Treaty of Versaille. The Treaty of Versaille required Germany to give up lands conquered, minimize their army and not rebuild it. Germany was blamed for the war by the Allies. Germany also had borrowed money from the bank to pay Allies, which eventually led them to economic troubles. Their trades were limited as well.
What conditions led to the collapse of the old Government? U.S had loaned the Allies money during World War 1, an demanded repayment. Allies needed to get money from Germany to pay the U.S. Germany borrowed money from banks to pay Allies. High bankruptcy rates and high unemployment, such as the Great Depression cause death rates to raise. Blockades and embargoes caused server hardships
The Nazi party supported the totalitarian leaders. Also nationalistic, anti-communist, anti-semitic Organization. Hitler used many methods of stalin to build totalitarian state in Germany. The Nazi party supported the totalitarian leaders because he convinced them to blame Jews for economic troubles. Who supported the totalitarian leaders and why?
How did the dictators seize power? Hitler was the dictator for Germany. Much of Germany supported Hitler and his Nazis because they understood the economic down fall. Hitler convinced Germans that the good was the bad, and the bad was good. He preformed reversed psychology on them. He persuaded Germans that they will gain their wealth again if they followed his leadership.
What reforms did the dictator bring about? The Nazi preached the need for hard work, sacarfice, and service to the state. The Nazis used the press, schools, and even churches to glorify their goals. He also increased the Germany military, a step that violated the Versailles Treaty. Hitler also preformed a lot of damage to the Jews.
Could this happen here? TThe exact same thing can’t occur but, certain things that took part in it can. IIn todays life races still go against one another however, it wont a rise to the same level as the holocaust. TThere’s no leader that would take charge of country and get over with it. IIn todays life people are more alert with things, and wouldn’t follow the same population knowing it will affect them at the end.