Headache Acupuncture treatment
Concept Headache is a subjective symptom and can be seen in many acute and chronic diseases.Here,we will talk about the headaches considered as main manifestation within miscellaneous diseases.Headache considered to be an accompanied symptom of other diseases is not discussed here.
Etiology and Pathogenesis External factors Internal factors Wind cold Wind heat Wind dampness Liv e rYang Turbid phlegm Blood stasis Kidney deficiency Invasion of wind on the vertex and external evils causing obstruction of the meridians and collaterals Flaring-up to the orifices resulting in stagnation of qi and blood Obstruction of the clear orifice unsmooth flow of qi and blood in vessels and collaterals Obstruction of the meridians Failure of the sea of marrow to be nourished Failure to nourishing the head Obstruction leading to headache Headache
1.Headache due to External Evils (1)Wind Cold Main Manifestations:Headache on and off,radiating to the nape and back,aggravated by wind Accompanying Symptoms and Signs:Absence of thirst,aversion to wind,fever Tongue and Pulse :A thin white tongue coating,a floating and tense pulse
(2)Wind Heat Main Manifestations:Distending pain in the head as if the head being split,fever,or with aversion to wind Accompanying Symptoms and signs:Flushed face and redness of the eyes,thirst with desire for drink,constipation,yellowish urine Tongue and Pulse :A red tongue with yellow coating,a floating and rapid pulse
(3)Wind Dampness Main Manifestations:Headache as if being bound Accompanying symptoms and signs:Heaviness of the extremities,stuffiness in the chest,poor appetite,dysuria,loose stool