Fundamentals of Algorithms MCS - 2 Lecture # 3
Representation of Algorithms
Representing algorithms Algorithms may be specified in many forms called representations or notations. The representation of an algorithm is extremely important It must rapidly convey the algorithm’s meaning with the least amount of effort by the reader. No one representation is suitable for all algorithms. It is worth getting familiar with a number of alternative forms. The best representation for one algorithm may be the worst for another.
Representation of Algorithms Algorithms are generally represented by either Verbal The algorithm is expressed in words, sentences and paragraphs. Usually very verbose, long, and often inaccurate. Algebraic The algorithm is expressed mathematically with symbols and formulas. This is usually a very concise representation. Tabular The algorithm is represented by one or more rectangular grids (tables, arrays or matrices) with entries in the grids. This method is useful for summarizing large selections.
Representation of Algorithms Hierarchical The algorithm is presented as a break-out diagram. Data Flow Diagram The algorithm is shown as a set of boxes that show the actions to be performed. Flow chart The algorithm is represented in the form of a diagram with action boxes linked by lines. Pseudo code The algorithm is presented as a set of instructions written using a mixture of natural language and mathematical notation.
Pseudo code It is a mixture of natural language and mathematical notation independent of any programming language. Reflects the fact “short-term communication” between members working on a specific project The code itself and other documents are used for long-term archival purposes. Pseudo code can be written in very formal constructs. It can be used almost like a free- verse description of what the program needs to do. What the input is? What the output should be?
Rules for Pseudo code No strict rules exist. Write only one statement per line Capitalize initial keyword Indent to show hierarchy End multi-line structures Keep statements language independent
A Recommended Pseudo code Format Documentation Keyword Action Keywords Flow Control Keywords
Documentation Keyword Documentation keywords describe what needs to be done or provides information about why something is being done. TASK TASK statement is something that the program must perform. REM REM statement is merely a remark or comment.
Action Keywords Action keywords are the lines that actually do the work Common Action Keywords Input: READ, OBTAIN, GET Output: PUT, PRINT, DISPLAY, SHOW Compute: COMPUTE, CALCULATE, DETERMINE Initialize: SET, INIT Add one: INCREMENT, DECREMENT
Flow Control Keywords Sequence Calculate Pay – sequence Begin input hours input rate pay = hours * rate print pay End Sum of 2 Numbers – sequence Begin input x, y sum = x + y print sum End
Flow Control Keywords Selection IF (test condition) Statement(s) to be executed if test condition is TRUE ELSE Statement(s) to be executed if test condition is FALSE Calculate Pay with Overtime - selection Begin input hours, rate if hours 40 then pay = hours * rate else pay = 40 * rate + (hours – 40) * rate * 1.5 print pay End IF amount < 1000 interestRate =.06 // the “yes” or “true” action ELSE interestRate =.10 // the “no” or “false” action ENDIF
Flow Control Keywords Repetition - Case 1 LOOP WHILE (test condition) Statement(s) to be executed if test condition is TRUE Repetition - Case 2 LOOP Statement(s) to be executed if test condition is TRUE WHILE: (test condition) Average of 10 Numbers – iteration with a for loop Begin sum = 0 for i = 1 to 10 input x sum = sum + x avg = sum / 10.0 print avg End
Flow Control Keywords Repetition - Case 3 LOOP UNTIL (test condition) Statement(s) to be executed if test condition is FALSE Repetition - Case 4 LOOP Statement(s) to be executed if test condition is FALSE UNTIL (test condition)
Good Luck ! ☻