André Augustinus 13 June 2005 User Requirements, interlocks, cabling, racks, etc. Some remarks
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Introduction Overview drawings and URDs should be our main depository of knowledge Over last few months we realized some information is still “missing”, even on hardware issues such as: Interlocks Rack contents Cabling
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Overview Very brief on URDs etc. Reminder on interlocks Some remarks on ‘missing’ information Information on cabling and cabling database
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop URD and overview drawing Regular (strong) requests to update your URDs (e.g. virtually every DCS workshop) No real reaction from the detectors We see no miracle solution here We just insist… Overview drawings seem to have a bigger success Regular updates from detectors… … and from our side after detector discussions
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Interlocks Last DCS workshop(s) we requested your input on interlocks Some detectors volunteered (more or less complete) information. The information on hardwired interlocks is critical now: Systems that generate interlocks are being finalized (gas, cooling) Cables need to be defined, patch boxes, etc.
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Interlocks, last warning You can still communicate your requirements on your hardwired interlocks …... but you have to be fast now! If we get no input from you, we can only make an educated guess of your needs! You will then only be provided with the minimum Later additions or modifications might be difficult, costly or even impossible! So: better think now!
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Interlocks, last warning The minimum we think providing: Only for those detectors that have gas and/or cooling systems: A single signal indicating gas is OK/Not OK A single signal indicating cooling is OK/Not OK That’s all ! If you need more (or less): react now!
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop “Missing” information We have entered the installation phase now Information on several issues is vital to proceed with the installation: Cabling has to be defined, ordered and installed Racks need to be connected and equipped Service infrastructure needs to defined, ordered and installed (network, cooling, etc.). It is all on a bigger scale now, we are talking large numbers now ALICE is your detector times or even more !
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop “Missing” information We talk about: many kilometres of cables, A network installation with hundreds of Ethernet ports Installation and equipping hundreds of racks Lead times for this (including design, ordering and installation) is many months, sometimes more than half a year. All of this you expect to be available (and operational) when you arrive with your detector and associated equipment Remember: we are mid-2005 now
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop “Missing” information On many issues the information it there People seem reluctant to take a ‘final’ decision Dedicated meetings are organized now, per detector On cabling and rack contents Collect the “missing” information that is not really missing Identify the really open issues
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Cabling issues Several issues related to cabling were identified in cabling and rack meetings Control cabling (fieldbusses etc.) Interlock cables Network cabling This seem to be a grey area; there seem to be some confusion on who is responsible for what
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Cabling issues [General remarks] You are responsible to define the cabling for your detector You know what you need where Cables will be in the database for your detector But, We will in some cases define the type of cable and/or connectors We will define in some cases the start or end point We will help you to update your cable database for this If you are not sure, contact us and mark your control cables as ‘provisional and to be checked by DCS’
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Cabling issues [control cabling] Control cabling covers mainly fieldbusses: CANbus for the ELMBs “CANbus” for the CAEN Easy system CANbus for ISEG High Voltage CANbus for Wiener VME crate control Ethernet (?) for Wiener Low Voltage …
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Cabling issues [control cabling: ELMB CANbus] Carries bus and power For ALL detectors power is provided centrally All cabling starts from CR3 Both power (rack Z08) and bus (racks Z01-Z06) Up to the first ELMB a ‘big’ cable is used To limit voltage drop A ‘patch box’ is under development A ‘standard’ ELMB to ELMB cable is under definition
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Cabling issues [control cabling: ELMB CANbus] Do not use flat cables when not strictly needed Sensor – ELMB cabling is up to you But we can help Related point: Signal adapters are (will be) centrally available Communicate us your needs! Rack mounted PCs With Kvaser CAN card [in CR3] ELMBs [on detector?] CANbus Power patchbox CANbus & Power [in same cable] to Sensors Defined/delivered by central DCS team (paid by detectors) Guidelines by central DCS team Central power supplies [in CR3]
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Cabling issues [control cabling: CAEN ‘CANbus’] Special bus from branch controller (in CR) to Easy crates (in UX) 50-wire cable special daisy-chain from crate to crate Also connects CAEN 48V power supply Standard cable under definition (with CAEN) To get to first Easy crate Start to look at daisy-chaining Inside rack, or inter-rack
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Cabling issues [control cabling: other] ISEG (HV) and Wiener (VME crate control) Standard CANbus A standard cable is under definition Let us know if you have other CAN controlled devices Wiener Low Voltage will use Ethernet Will be included in Ethernet infrastructure You have to define where your power supplies will be
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Cabling issues [interlock cabling] Standard cabling/connectors will be used for Gas and Cooling interlocks Currently under definition Starting point will be defined by us With gas and cooling groups Receiving end to be defined by you What device(s) will receive the interlock Let us know your other interlocks Use same standards?
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Cabling issues [network cabling] You have to express your needs We will order the network from IT/CS Constraint: no IT equipment (switches) in cavern! IT will provide cabling up to UX racks All switches and cabling/equipment behind your switches in UX are your responsibility Standardize for non-IT network equipment, cabling and connectivity Major effort by TRD group Let us know your needs, if you haven’t done yet
André Augustinus 13 June 2005ALICE DCS Workshop Summary Overview drawings are extremely useful But it gives only the “hardware view”, so: Don’t forget the URDs ! Urgently communicate your needs on hardwired interlocks Otherwise you only get the ‘default’ An effort is ongoing to extract ‘missing’ information on cabling and racks Control related cabling need to be in your database We will provide you with standards and guidelines and help you updating the database