Chapter 4 The Teaching Church
The Mission of the Church Christ left the Apostles the Deposit of Faith Final Instruction: To teach the world all that he had told them The Church does this today ◦Clergy carries on this sacred mission in a special way
Revelation Revelation ◦Literally means “to draw back the veil” or uncover ◦Revelation is all that God has revealed to us about Himself and His plans for us ◦We can’t know about God except by what He makes known to us God’s truths revealed slowly over time ◦Old Testament Revelation = pre-Christian Revelation ◦New Testament Revelation = Christian Revelation Trinity, Incarnation, Eucharist ◦Revelation ended when John the Evangelist died
Source of Revelation Word of God ◦Sacred Scripture Written word of God Different authors during different times, but all inspired by the Holy Spirit Does not contain all that there is to know about the faith ◦Tradition The teachings of the Church passed down Includes the writings of the Apostolic Fathers Includes things not directly found in Sacred Scripture The Church uses Tradition to properly interpret Scripture
Creeds Tradition expressed in the Creeds Creeds: Statements of belief Creeds lay out the main beliefs of the Church Apostles’ Creed – One of the earliest Creeds Nicene Creed – Formulated at the Council of Nicea ◦Goes into more detail than the Apostles’ Creed
Councils Tradition also expressed during the councils of the Church Ecumenical Council: meeting of all the bishops with the Pope ◦The meeting is called by the Pope ◦Called to define or clarify certain beliefs
Fathers and Doctors of the Church Fathers of the Church ◦Saintly Christian writers of the early Church who provided special witness and teaching Doctors of the Church ◦Saintly theologians of any century whose writings have especially helped teach and guide the Church
Church Teachings Encyclicals ◦Letters of the Pope to the bishops and the whole Church on a certain topic Sensus Fidelium ◦Sense of the Faithful ◦The beliefs of the Church are kept free from error when all people, from the bishops to the laity believe the same thing over a long period of time
Development of Doctrine Seeds of doctrine were complete by the time of St. John’s death Seeds grew over time, however ◦Development of Doctrine Some things we kind of understood as a Church at the beginning, but understood better over time ◦Developed doctrine cannot be in contradiction to previously taught doctrine ◦i.e. Immaculate Conception Believed by Sensus Fidelium for centuries Not officially declared until 1854